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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. No I did not but the fact that they actually put the sign up and the justification is what matters. It was an attempt that failed but it was an attempt. If no one had complained then they would have gotten away with making it a law.
  2. I realize that people y busy But you missed the most important news The navy tried to ban bikini on beaches and when caught on it said that bikini are not Thai so tourist should not wear them. I guess the high ups in the navy have not been to many beaches with young Thai girls. While I agree that the older Thais may not be wearing them there are a lot of shopping malls selling them and I have noticed more Thai ladies wearing them. But as with everything T. I. T
  3. Op I make purchase using Paypal so the exchange is already calculated. Also Use it for medical bills and the odd hotel. Then pay it off in full at end month. Has worked out well so far they keep increasing my health insurance (cc limit). Also the bank it is associated with increases my loc. Not that I use them but again at over 60 it is the best med emergency plan going.
  4. WOW. Thank you for understanding. The problem is one that not only NES teachers face but is also more felt by young Thai teachers. The idea of quit leave is not viable. Imagine if all good teachers took that option. There would not be any government schools due to lack of Thai teachers.
  5. You are hilarious you are avoiding answering the question by saying I am not mentally tough enough. You completely avoid the premise where for purpose of arguing I have admitted that. This is my question to find out what you WISE Experienced people think should be done in classrooms
  6. So in stead of requiring better teachers and standards you think we should just say to hell with it. You site the US have you taken a look at crime rates and literacy. If 2 students fail it is probably their fault. If more than 5 fail it might be an idea to check the teacher Either way social promotion has failed in every country
  7. The problem is that government staff like most Thais are taught that the rules are for others. You goto school the rule says that you have to pass tests but teachers let you go to save face and so no one knows they are not good teachers. Junior gets older and stopped by the police for not having a licence for their motorcycle but give me 100 baht and I will forget it. Junior then joins the RTP and pulls over a HISO for DUI. He charges the HISO and takes them to jail. Sergeant walks up and gives them 1000 and says that they did not see anything Patrolman gets promoted and now is the one giving the 100 to a patrolman or that person gets a job working in the local government learns that they can make more money by giving Thai businesses options. Solution charge all involved find them guilty and then leave the opening for civil litigation from all the families involved as well as the hospitals against not only the people involved but the families as they benefited from the bribes.
  8. Gf works in a hospital lived that for 2 years.
  9. This is not just a Thai thing does anyone remember the Canadian that got sick and the Canadian insurance company tried to bail on him. As to Thai government hospitals saying sorry know there is one thing to take into considersy. They may not have the equipment or expertise to properly deal wit her. The government should cover the bills with in reason and add the costs to the final judgement. But until they actually charge the owner they are in a Gray area
  10. I hear what you are saying and yes I was actually forced by my doctors to give up. I had the microphone and I had the projectors and the laptop connections. The point that you are missing is that while I am a NES English teacher the problem in the country is not a problem held by NES teachers most of us have the skills or the <deleted>-off attitude to resolve it. We also have the outside Western attitudes and methods. The corporal punishment issue that excites everyone is with Thai teachers who do not have the experience and worst still only have the lessons that they learned when they were teachers. Remember the old teachers only know what they learned and did 30 years ago. The young teachers only know what they saw and went through as students. It is that young Thai teachers do not have the gravitas or the fear factor that a NES male teacher has. As I was told by students I intimidated them. 55-year-old 5"10" loud and proud teacher. I was in most cases able to get my point across but got tired of the politics in the schools. Preparing lessons teaching 26 classes a week and what i taught only counted for 10% of their mark and I had to pass them. The final exam for my last Mat 5 class What is your name? Where do you live? What did you do last night? Why are you at school? That was it. I was supposed to put up with all the Thai teacher <deleted> about you can not punish or give my daughter extra work. All for 35K a month and no work permit or security. Sorry I did not need the money nor as my doctor said the aggravation and high BP,
  11. YES a solution that can work THANK YOU. This is why I loved the horseshoe set up surprising how fast I could be in their faces and still teach the class. It was also unnerving to them.
  12. Hammer I am not suggesting that abusing a child is correct and most people are not looking to abuse a student. What you are being asked is how would you manage a class as outlined. Properly and judiciously administered Corporal Punishment is not abuse and does not have a detrimental effect on most students. Most if not all people that came up through school up until the 80's went through an education system that had that.
  13. OKAY STEP UP Tell me oh wise one how would you handle the situation, Don't just say that teachers are useless not able to do their job and should quit. Do the homework share your wisdom as to how you would manage this class.
  14. Thank YOu for the support that you give/gave This is what I think should be done. I have only seen it done once and it was great to watch the change in attitude when I said go and get Khun X or she walked into the room.
  15. Projector ????? I take it you have not been to a lot of schools most schools do not have projectors. Yelling in a classroom is a partial solution but can also lead to competition. In most cases, the same class that you are having trouble with is the same issue for the Thai teachers and in some cases, I think it is worse for the young teachers Also, remember most if not all these issues are Thai teachers not NES and Thais are not known for being loud.
  16. I no longer teach in schools as I got tired of dealing with so-called students that just wanted to party. Yes most schools have directors but they do not do anything as they are too worried about dealing with parents.
  17. No, what I am doing is putting the shoe on the other foot. On all threads about corporal punishment, people say that anyone that touches is a beast and is abusing BUT none of them give a solution or have had to deal with a class or group of rowdy students. As I have stated I am a firm believer in schools having a teacher that is responsible for discipline that looks after students and resolves issues.
  18. This not a thread for complaining. This site has a lot of people that say corporal punishment is not needed. That say the teachers do not know how to teach. Okay we teachers are not as smart as you. Please enlighten us with what you would do that would be a real solution.
  19. A lot of people have talked about corporal punishment is bad and teachers should never hit a child. OKAY let's say you are right Tell us that teach what your great plan is for this scenario. You are teaching a class of 35 teens Matayom 3. The class has 10 kids at the front trying to understand and wanting to learn. But there are a group of 6 students playing a videogame and they are loud and drowning out anything you may be saying causing you not to focus or the kids that want to learn to understand you. Rule 1 parents don't care Rule 2 asking them to be quiet Wil get you a look and them carrying on Rule 3 you can't take the phones away voluntarily. Rule 4 TEACHER are ???? allowed to play.
  20. Big difference between your psycho uncle and a teacher or disciplinarian The problem is that parents no longer teach kids respect anywhere anymore. Let's look at it a different way. You are trying to teach a group of 35 teens some are paying attention and are interested. Some don't care 6 boys in the back are laughing carrying on and tell you to truck off we don't care. How do you resolve the problem. Oh yeah they are louder than you. I await your solution.
  21. It's possible to put seatbelt in songthaew and tuktuk. Canadian military had to put seatbelt in the back of trucks set up the same way. Tuktuk can also but it will restrict how many can cram in
  22. Not sure I was in a taxi a couple of years ago when they tried this rule and got pulled over because driver was not wearing.
  23. You forget one group that stands to save millions with this rule. Insurance companies police report says not wearing seatbelt we are not responsible for injury
  24. The bleeding hearts here that say corporal punishment should be banned are the same ones that let their kids yell and run around restaurant or will try to negotiate with a 5 year old that wants a toy or candy. You absolutely go off your nut if you saw me or my daughter and son in law Grandkids want to cry and throw a fit first it is mocking them then it is a slap on the ass. Daughter doing well grandson just graduated and accepted to university in Canada With 35 students in a classroom you do not have the ye yo play games
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