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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. The question arises as to whether it improves their life. Once you are Thai min wage kicks in as well as taxation. Wonder how many chamber maids will lose their jobs. Also does that mean all welfare benefits are now eligible
  2. Many phi university are not much better than the scam uni here students don't have the grades but will pay to get docs. My question is Is she qualified to practice in the Philippines. If not that would be my first clue
  3. No I am talking about the BMA buses that transport Thais
  4. What about the old buses that every time they shift gear they leave you blind
  5. NO one has told her too although I amsure they would like to do something to fox in the Daily Briefing room. TRUMP is a smart business man the number one rule in business and life is when your enemy is shooting himself in the foot and moving to the grave leave him/her alone.
  6. Yeah he is really stupid. LOL, the guy is worth 269.3 billion dollars and is the richest man in the world, but he is stupid. BTW while Bezos newspaper lost subscribers, his wealth went up 2.3 billion https://www.forbes.com/real-time-billionaires/#4b031c6c3d78
  7. Just to add to to my other post the top 15 watched News shows in the US have FOX in the top 7 with 10 over all shows MSNBC has 5 with their highest-paid persons Rachel Maddow not even touching the list NOPR does CNN have anyone in the top.
  8. What does it say about the Media when you look at the fasct that FOX is continually the top watched news platform fox 2.505 million total viewers in primetime MSNBC 1.430 million CNN 853,000 total viewers FOX ALSO HAS THE TOP SHOW PERIOD IN THE FIVE AND THE TOP LATE-NIGHT 10 PM SHOW WITH GUTFIELD. No matter what it tells you that people enjoy getting their news and opinions from FOX more than they do any other mewsmedia. CNN is dying. MSNBC is getting helped by the NBC brand If you ask Thai teens where they get their news, Instagram and Twitter are the top 2. The one thing that the media here seems to ahve over the West is that they report what happens. It may be incorrect, but they still report what is happening. There isn't as much bias.
  9. In my 67 years, I have played a lot of sports, organized and unorganized. I can tell you that I ran into people like that BOY numerous times. The only difference was that there were people around who could either control him or get him out of the area. One thing I am certain of, though, is that it was not just the loss but probably something either said or done that caused him to be upset.
  10. It boggles my mind the number of Indian and Pakistani shops that are open and sellilng things. How does a stall have enough thai people working to allow a foreigner to work there? At lesat the bars can use the Thai bar girls as their reason LOL
  11. The sad thing is that she is a great cook the pitty is that she never passed on her recipe and her knowledge to someone to take over her restaurant. I think while costs might have been a factor, I just think that the long hours have taken their toll, and she is looking to enjoy her life.
  12. The problem in most Western countries is that they are importing more than they are actually producing; therefore, with tariffs and other taxes, the prices go up. Consider the difference if the U.S,. Produced its own oil and set their costs, then OPEC raising and tightening would not matter.
  13. The challenge is this first she has to try to protect daddy 2nd she has to try to protect the PTP 3rd keep redshirt supporters happy 4th, because if this case goes through and she is found guilty, every party that was at the dinner could also be hit, and BJT et al. do not want that. Even if the People's party win they still have a problem in that the senate is BJT loyal The bad news is that the Thai stock market was finally starting to improve and now will dive.
  14. Take a look at the foods that are being served and the drinks that they are consuming. They take in so much sugar and do so less walking (motorbike) from house to Lotus 10 minute's walk take bike
  15. Have you checked out https://thailandrehabguide.com/blogs/thailand-rehab-monastery/ The price may be right up your alley, and they do have a success rate. that has become a habit or addiction on your own, especially when pain is involved, is very difficult. Being ina location that can help you and with people that will have empathy for you is a good thing.
  16. My question when they do this is who gets the money and how is it divided. I don't mind the charge if the place has good service and the money is divided as extra income to the cooks, bus boys and others. I domind when they use it as a means to gain the money to pay normal wage. Had a bargirl tell me that when you tip the waitress by leaving it in the folder that goes t the bar staff and not the waitresses. I am not sure if it is true, but I started tipping the waitress individually if they were cute and the beer was cold.
  17. Usually, they have those buttons in the middle to stop this but hey TIT
  18. It is interesting, and yes, I think we will know the winner fairly early once Trump has one NC, GA, OH and Penn. I think the Kamala party will look a little like
  19. I would agree in most cases if the guy had a heart attack or died. BUT the issue is that everyone knew that Joe's mental function was slipping. They had to know that it was possible he would not be able to handle it. Again possible. Therefore, the smart thing would have been for them to run the primary open and let people decide not to close it so that no one could run and/or at least get their name recognition. Also, remember there was supposedly a backroom discussion before the primary as to whether they were going to replace Kamala because they were not sure she was a strong enough candidate or backup if something happened. As to running hey the GOP and all the candidates knew that Donald was the heir apparent and had a HUGE swathe of voters for the primary but they still let it go unopposed Yes, it is water under the bridge now, but I am sure that there will be a lot of discussions about what, how and who after Kamala has lost. If it has not started already.
  20. Does anyone know what bars will be serving coffee and having election party for trump
  21. They could have had a primary like the GOP trump was in the race but didn't have to attend. At least then they would have had an alternate
  22. Go to a good hospital if you can the one that prescribed the meds in the beginning. They will be able to put you on a program to gradually reduce your intake. I was on some heavy meds for my back after surgery doctor started reducing dosage slowly. Took 7 months to get free
  23. Joe did not pick her Barry told him he needed her so that she would be able to become his puppet president when they ousted joe. She was never supposed to run joe was to abdicate
  24. The internet and tik tok and X
  25. Because at least the moron knows what he is doing and will take action. Remember Kamala sticks her head out the window and promises that a bill that was killed by both parties she is going to get signed and put into action even though she may not have any power in house or Senate.
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