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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. The question has to be asked though Given the choice that the American people had TRUMP a man that has built things and even failed a few times but still have built a lot of the big buildings in NYC and around the world. A man who can talk to people with a straight face and give them tangible answers. A man that was President, so he had a track record that life was better when he was a resident than it is now. A man that won his party primary VS A cackling hyena who never answered any serious questions with tangible answers. A woman who was put in charge of the border to make things better only to make them worse. A woman who could not win a primary and had to be appointed; if not, the party lost all the donation money Joe had raised. A woman who was against self-sustaining oil production. A woman who had no idea of international politics. MOST OF ALL AFTER LOOKING AT POLLS THAT SAID MOST OF THE COUNTRY THOUGHT THAT UNDER BIDEN IT WAS GOING IN THE WRONG DIRECTIONS SHE PROUDLY STATES THAT SHE THINKS EVERYTHING THAT JOE AND HER DID was perfect and she would not change a thing. Consider that with the great DNC machine she never came close to the numbers Biden got, Black and latino males were moving away from her and that TRUMP got the highest number of votes in history of the GOP. America voted and America decided what they wanted and what they did not want and what they did not want was 4 more years of Obama Biden politics
  2. It sounds like Thais are trying to imitate Sturgis. People there were a little skeptical until they saw how much money it brought the city each year. The solution is simple, really. Have it on the same weekend every year, advertise it to the locals, and then those who want to make money can get set up, and those who don't want to put up with it can go away for the weekend. May 24 weekend in Ontario used to be the same thing with camping, mud wrestling and loud hoard rock bands. The average person did not like it, but the businesses that sold meat and other supplies loved it. Even the LCBO and beer store opened a little earlier.
  3. Thailand is still going to have a tourist boom High Season will be great. I agree. I never went there until the late 90s, but in those days, there were 3 places that every tourist had to go to at least once in a visit: PANTIP plaza, PATPONG night market and Khaosan Road for the ambience, cheap beer, and fake IDs or diplomas. It was also, due to the backpackers, a great place to get cheap travel. Alas, time have changed. Pantip is no more; Patpong is a shell of what it was, and Khaosan is just a tourist trap. Backpackers can now get better deals in other areas that are more accessible, like NANA. Cheap hotels are a dime a dozen, and you can book cheap fights online. Just looking at the pictures I know I do not want to go there when there is anything happening. The last time I was there, there were very few ways out. I would also not go to Patpong during Songkran. It has gotten ridiculous. Why are Phuket and Pattaya going strong simply because they are not backpackers only? They have entertainment for everyone, they have beaches. They are easy to walk around. Simple question what good things does Khaosan have that you can not find in China Town or NANA
  4. I am surprised that there is ot a shortage of cheese in Thailand with all the whine going on.
  5. I am surprised that there is ot a shortage of cheese in Thailand with all the whine gong on.
  6. I think it is safe to say that anyone with a Kasikorn account got this, whether we are Ameri cannot or not. Just the IRS and U.S. government being a point in the asset.
  7. Have you followed any news about big cities in the U.S. You have 15-year-old kids shooting up houses? Cat fights were around when i was a teen LOL Maybe not as violent, but I never wanted to break one up. The challenge is that here, there is nothing to go by. They look at YouTube and think that what they see is how everyone acts.
  8. I got it will fill in and take to bank no sure about certified signature and really don't want to be online
  9. Not just Thai people this crap happens all over the world. Unfortunately
  10. How seriously do you think other world leaders would have taken her or the U.S. with her in charge if all she does is giggle https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/utterly-inappropriate-kamala-harris-roasted-for-laughing-when-asked-about-ukrainian-refugees-2817262 She was Barry's puppet pure and simple if she had of won that his people would have been in charge.
  11. Agreed it is complicated BUT at least it is a place to start and a plan that can be actioned. The Biden/Obama plan really did nothing to help the average American. If the U.S. started this and carried it on for a decade it could get back to a viable self sustaining country. However selling farm land to Chinese or Japanese copanies is not going to do it. Having things made outside the country is not going to help the country. Considering that most military equipment requires computer chips, how long do you think the U.S. would last in a war if China cut them off?
  12. many people here are not MAGA but think that the way that the Dims and Kamala were going to run the country was worse not only for the U.S. but for the rest of the world. Trump uses tarrifs in many ways. Punish Mexico for all the drugs and illegals Slow down the Chinese take over. But mainly to ensure that when a company build something it is done with American steel. that Americans are eating food made in America. Part of his tarrif plan is also to reward companies that actually build in America. It is undisputable that at the outbreak of covid teh whole world got scrwed because you could not get a thermometer or any medical supplies. The reason being that they were all made in China, and China due to COVID-19 could not make enough. That was felt here as well as the U.S. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8441910/ What TRUMP wants to do is make the U.S. self sustaining as much as possible. In theory, it is a great idea. Consider that if Cina decided to invade Taiwan that the U.s. The machine would right now be screwed as they would not have the technical parts to do anything. Remember that the reason a lot of cars and computers and stuff could not be repaired was that China would not make enough chips.
  13. The reason that they are all lovely-looking young ladies is self-evident and a good place to start. Some pervert or demented soul thinks he could get them drunk and then take advantage of them, or he actually did, and we do not hear about that part. Time will tell, but you can be guaranteed that the Laos government will be looking into it or find itself on the astay away list of every website known.
  14. 600 baht per month for children aged 0-6 in low-income families, Just think it is at 6 that the parents have to shellout all the money to the schools. There are a lot of guys that simply get the joy and when they find out they move away. The issue is a huge one BUT the bigger issue is not single parents or leaving the kids with Grandma and Grandpa. Hell that is what my mom did every day when she went to work. couples in the city can barely afford to live for themselves with the high costs. Then you add in that once the mat leave is finished they have to find a baby sitter or care giver to look after the baby. The biggest issue though is As of March 1, 2024, the Labour Protection Act (Amendment) B.E. 2566 in Thailand requires employers to pay 100% of an employee's regular salary for 45 days of maternity leave. The Social Security Office then pays the employee 50% of their regular salary for the remaining days of their maternity leave. So a couple go to university they get good jobs 20k each a month They rent a nice apartment 15 k get BTS passes 1500 eat 6000 So far not too bad But Student loans 50,000 min payment of 2k a month Then add in teh costs for medical as well as the price of looking after a child and now they are screwed because as much as the government says it want them to have the 09 days after 45 the wife drops to 50% salary. So she has to go back to work after finding someone tht can care for her child.
  15. Where do you shop. I have never in 15 years seen girls that are 1000-1500 for long time As to the 20 k, it depends on how you look at it and what is included. You also have to remember that these girls realize that we old guys will die before them so they need money to save for the future. Next time you are on Suk, ask one of the girls how much for a week. I think you will be surprised.
  16. You have to love those who are new to posting. I think you need to check things before you try to label people, Mr. Lefty. The last thing you would find backing TRUMP is a socialist those were the ones backing Kamala BTW for future reference if you are gong to refer to a news paper or organization plesae provide the link
  17. The big thing that we have to consider is that outside of the city and burbs, people do not have a lot of choices. It is a lot like it used to be in the country in Canada where you went to a party, had a good time, and hoped you could make it home because there is no taxi or anything. The only thing that started to stop them in Canada was a. more check stops b. harsher judges c. society and the change in how they feel Drunk driving is not laughed off like it used to d. car insurance Because most Thais ride bikes and most Thais go out by themselves, it is very hard to have a designated driver. Add in the lack of helmets and the need for speed and guess what Population control
  18. Tarrifs are not only to hurt the other country but they are also to protect the industries in the country. The challenge that the U.S. has is because industries and buyers look outside the country for cheap knock offs that they make into a top product. Car imports, phones I phones in particular Consider that when covid hit the U.S. did not have enough thermometers because China could not produce them fast enough. TRUMP has the plan to bring back the industries and make things at home.
  19. Tarrifs are not only to hurt the other country but they are also to protect the industries in the country. The challenge that the U.S. has is because industries and buyers look outside the country for cheap knock offs that they make into a top product. Car imports, phones I phones in particular Consider that when covid hit the U.S. did not have enough thermometers because China could not produce them fast enough. TRUMP has the plan to bring back the industries and make things at home.
  20. The bigger risk than just drinking and driving is all these idiots outside the city that have a couple of drinks and drive without a helmet. I am actually surprised that one has done a study on how many lives would have been spared if wearing a helmet.
  21. I would think that the unwavering might have cut a deal to provide evidence or direction to get AN Also wonder what will hapoen with the many appeals . She may die an old lady in prison the way the system works
  22. I used to go to the houses to pick up the rent lol. Also every once in awhile I had my contractor do alittle work so we could take a look.
  23. I go to Yanhee hospital the service is good the girls are all pretty and friendly and the dentist is great.
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