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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. The problem she had going in was she was a candidate that the DNC ruled out when it was primary time, tried to replace as VP for the second session and could not win an election unless it was a California no competition. She has no platform other than trump is a bad man. She also was in power when the country went to hell so she inherited Biden's issues. If she could answer questions with real substantial info, it would also help. Like an actual plan that had something other than word salad
  2. Tried this but it is great now all the lines are brand new. The test is going to be when the lines get older and they have to repair equipment and buy new trains. The Main BTS is going to be a nightmare. It is already a nightmare at peak hours and there really is no way to add more trains to the system. Imagine what it will bel like at Paragon, Asoke, LadPhrao and other stations. People are going to use other methods just because they don't want to be standing in line on crowded platforms
  3. Also trying to protect all of daddy's friends
  4. Oh yeah but remember she is from the land of it's someone else's fault LA LA Land the land of reparations for slavery, even though there was no slavery. Boy gets off the light after killing women because Mommy and Daddy were too nice to him.
  5. This is their way of not having to deal with any hot issues. Government changes hands then they don't have to deal with little things like 10K to the rest of the country gay marriage Casino low fare one price fares on BTS/MRT higher minimum wage constitution amendment changes to taxation Marijuana Yes the last 8 are bold because they both really hit the rich elites
  6. Toast coffee and probiotic yogurt
  7. Agreed, but if Thaksin gets hit, then the party takes a hit also and loses their PM as well as the main characters. There is also a name change. Since they have used 2 of 3 and found number 3 unsuitable that would mean Anutin gets the chance to form the next government. Unless all parties get hit and I am not sure the courts would do that it would throw the whole country into turmoil and could definitely lead to a coup
  8. They could still be part of the coalition only as another party and not holding PM position depending on the outcome that would go to Anutin. What it would fo though is put the elite back in power until thaksin figures out his next step. Then it would be ppp and partyX (formerly PTP) moving no confidence.
  9. The other side of this is the fact that the DNC seems to think that the ZBlack vote is all theirs and blacks, according to Barry Obama, should just step into line. They seem to forget that there has been so much corruption and people getting killed along, of course, with the influx of immigrants that are taking Black and Hispanic jobs as well as money that could be used to improve the black Hispanic community. These people are starting to look at the GOP and wonder. It is going to be interesting to see the final outcome.
  10. The catch though is that both of these people have track records obf being a leader. The upcoming election is of utmost importance. Another 4 years of open borders, high costs, and increased taxes could be detrimental to our country's survival. Trump, no matter what people think of the guy, is correct that there were no wars. Businesses were opening. Immigration was under control. TRUMP made politicians in other countries realize that they could not bully him. Kamala is part of the Green New Deal and has no credit as a leader or business person with other countries. The big thing about her is that she has been afraid of outlining what she will do for the country to solve problems. The Dem plan seems to be Kamala is nice Trump is not, I think Trump is going to do to Kamala what he did to hillary.
  11. Just to give proper balance. Here is a lady that has never had to run for election. You could nominate a dem ham sandwich and it would win in la-la land. She was not primaried. They just kicked joe to the curb and by decree made someone nobody would vote for in a primary. The only times she has been on the international stage was for giggles. She has no business experience and flip flops more than anyone else Oh yeah she thinks that her and Joe made the country better unlimited immigration is good and all gas cars should be banned.
  12. What does it say if they vote for a person with no experience no platform that giggles like a school girl around world leaders and will say and agree to anything
  13. Why not shift training to being seeing eye guide dogs. Bet there is a need for them and the discipline training is complete.
  14. But it's better than come bottles with yellow liquid tossed on the side of the road. It would not be a bad idea to have rest stops along the roadway. The beaches could use washroom or change areas. While T it garbage bins wouldn't be a bad idea
  15. There's a solution stop giving this guy media attention. I swear most of these nuts just do it to see their name I'm print. These guys are the reason nothing gets done and 112 is such a problem.
  16. The problem is that in the urban areas, parents have a lack of education, and no one has the time to help these kids. I am willing to bet that his parents are looking after the child, not him, and that is the part that is Thai normal out of all this. Getting her home to be with the child is a ruse; he wanted his wife home with him, period. I would like to know if she was going to college or something, and that is why she was in a dorm and not with him. She may have been trying to better herself, and jealousy and worry crept into his immature brain. That or a friend snitched on her.
  17. As to her niceness take into account that she is just a kid. Think about the average 17-year-old girl that you know. No matter what country they are just teens getting married and having a kid is ridiculous Teens these days, and girls in particular, have a lot of peer pressure. Also, Thai boys, and remember this guy was 17 when they did the deed that actually created the child. I have this feeling that if I do not give him the sex, then he will leave me, and I love him. Some of them get lucky and do not get diseases or get pregnant all too often. No one is teaching these kids anything, and society is strictly against the pill and other birth control. Again, kids having kids is never a good thing. Heck, some adults having kids is not a good thing. You can't blame the parents because, in most cases, the parents themselves don't know any better. If you have taught in a Mattayon school you have seen too much of this in the classroom and school
  18. But yet they are sold on the sidewalk right in front of police. It would be interesting to see how they would do in court after video of cops walking bystalls in nana or beach road
  19. We often forget that Thaksin did not appoint the judges; it was the NCPO or military. Some of these judges will soon be retiring, so if the military is going to move, this is the time to do it. Thaksin forgot the important thing about Thai politics. P!ss off the elite and get get too big and they will slap you down. Thaksin might believe that Anutin and Chidob are firmly on his side, but the BJT's allegiance lies elsewhere. It's not the red or orange camp that holds its backing, but a more intricate web of alliances. They are the last of the elite parties, and if they are seen to back the PTP, they will lose many of their supporters.
  20. It's great one of the best rock opera https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1PFeUii2egesbBFdLYu9gkWW1XbJLPkH&si=efKZ5uHyp1KDs5Dj I thought you
  21. I enjoy a beer while watching cricket and talking to the nice ladies 😜
  22. That actually happens in Pakistan too if you touch a woman properly dressed and she yells you are basically dead no need police
  23. Remember they come from a country that still thinks women are property that sexually touching and rape are okay
  24. They have this to prevent theft. I have seen it at Canadian big box or did you really think the guy hoping you enjoyed your day as you left was just being friendly.
  25. You are living with a girl that is realistic. She has herpes found a guy that not only doesn't mind but also got them Chances Are she ha had a rough life both growing up and in the relationship. A question you need to ask us how many Thai women are going to be interested in a farang with herpes. And yes you have to tell them up front.
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