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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. This is Thaksin fighting back against the charges that he, his puppet and party are facing coutesy of the BJT and elites. Itis his way of trying to ensure that his puppet lasts longer in parlaiament. The interesting thing, though, is that BVJT can shut this down quite easily by joining the People's Party in a no-confidence and a quick election. A quick election would mean that Thaksin's boy toy, who is leading the investigation, gets neutered. Son dealing with the Poples party could ensure things stay the way they are or that the investigation dies. Will this cause any issues with the country not really it is already screwed up and the PTP is yet to send anything to the parliament, let alone any bills to the Senate/
  2. The politicians and the older people and elites know. The school system and businesses have known for awhile that there is a lack of qualified people. The good thing or bad thing is tht we are not going to get the cream of the Chinese crop as they will still be taught in China. This article should be shown to all Matayom students also it would be nice to know the universities that they are buying so we know how good they are or are not.
  3. Just like anywhere you can get over-touristed, Florida comes to mind with Sporing break. eventually, the people become too rowdy and break too many rules. Eventually, the herd needs to be culled. Pai may be at that point now as far as locals are concerned. As far as Businesses it may be a different story.
  4. the people care unfortunaltey the PTP is supported by him and he is and always has been the leader of the party. People are loyal to him just as Dems were loyal to Kamala and Joe. If there is o Thaksin there is o PTP. If there was not Thaksin there really would not have been a red shirt movement
  5. Because legally he is the past PM. right now he is the PM Puppetmaster
  6. Yeah, I hear you, Sheryl, and thanks. I am planning on seeing a couple of clinics and finding out if they can cover the basics of Diabetes and Cholesterol care. If ot then I will start the fight with the Cdn government. What P! ss me off is that we had this coverage looked after with one provider with no issues, then the government changed providers and went to a Canadian provider who promptly farmed out the out-of-country to a French-based provider. Either way, it is not a huge issue, but definitely going to need to be looked at for larger issues.
  7. Sheryl, I have been here 15 years and have used Patrangsit, where I am happy. Up until last year, when they changed from one provider to another, there was no issue. I understand that I am not going to get the same treatment. There is no way that a clinic can provide the same. What I am looking for is to meet the requirements that the CDN provider wants or to be able to comment that I cannot get the treatment.
  8. Trust me, the rules they are using are their rules. I am not the only one with the issue; in fact, there is a Facebook page of people around the world dealing with this. I amnot sure I will stay with the clinic, but as I said, I want to press the button and see what happens MSH and CL are trying to screw a lot of people. I want to document everything so that I can then take it to the onbudsman and get clarification.
  9. Hopefully, the media will follow this and we get more info. Either way I am sure this is not what she bargained for.
  10. Fully agree even though it is part of my health care. People have been told that they will cover clinics so I am going to put them to the test and see what happens. If still refuse then I will take them to the CDN government ombudsman along with a lot of ex-military living here in country. Can you recommend any I noticed that there is a clinic at TRENDY and also saw one with Dr Donna? I was told, though, by a mutual acquaintance that Dr Donna is not a Doctor.
  11. Someone in the States offered her a lot of money and a free trip I will bet. Well, she is going to get to see a little more of Thailand than she bargained for. 7 years here in jail and then a government-paid trip home, probably. Get ready for her family to complain about the conditions granny has to live in, being unfair
  12. It is surprising how low and unfeeling he is. Does he really think that just saying I am sorry is going to solve the problem. I am sorry, but the sooner they remove PM Thaksin from this country, the better. He must go back to jail or be legally barred from any financial involvement with the political scene. He is the problem with the system along with the Elites.
  13. That was the way it was before the CDN government changed providers. Now we have MSH and they have refused reimbursement for any outpatient treatment. It sucks for sure and will be interesting, but for now, if I want reimbursement, then I need to find a clinic that will provide most of what a normal doctor provides.
  14. I was just gong to ask are there any bars. I don't even see any hotels in walking distance. Hell part of growing up is going skinny dipping at public beaches at night. Always made sure Ihad a big blanket and towel in the car when I was younger.
  15. I was just gong to ask are there any bars. I don't even see any hotels in walking distance.
  16. Hi, MSH my med provider willnot pay for claims through the hospital as it says it is outpatient and they do not cover it. Therefore I am looking for a clinic in the Bangkok Pathum Thani area closest to the treatment I would get in a hospital. the main concern is diabetes, cholesterol, and such. But then again I will need blood tests and other check ups as I am getting younger and body is ot a perfect as it was lOL
  17. The question, though, is if she had a legal marriage that had all the notary and stuff from the amphoe, would she not have a tighter claim? Also if the other woman is a wife she could charge bigamy. I think the question comes down to what was the marriage was it registered, and why was she so stupid to marry a guy tht was never here and never around for two years before trying to do anything?
  18. where can you access funds from Crypto without using a bank.
  19. Best Pie is Thai Pie Have yet to eat a bad one. Sorry sure op will not allow pics
  20. Does anyone want to bet she is not in the area anymore look to Issan or the north to some village LOL I also be they did not get all the money. Wonder if the men were tourist or thai willing to bet Thai.
  21. This is actually going to make travel a lot more difficult and expensive. It probably is the dumbest thing they could do. The only way to get from victory to go to pattaya there is by one bus or a lot of transfers and will take an hour. vs taking the bus and getting off at ekamai and then travelling to the Pattaya. It also says nothing about the minivans that work out of these locations. There is definitely no room for al of them unless they are going to move them to the minivan terminal at Morchit 2 Tourists are especially going to be confused about which bus to take and which bus to take when they get there to get to their hotels. Taxi charges will ruin a lot of people. Imagine Jane gets off the bus from Pats with 2 bags at 5 and is going to a hotel on the river. 300 baht easy
  22. Thais I thought we were talking about tourists
  23. Not sure if it is posted anywhere else I just got a notice tht BB is sending out emails about FATCA and the same forms tht Kasikorn did. Guess it is correct we can expect everyone to get them if you have an account
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