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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. No daddy had probably told xi to show her the paper show her where to sign then have someone take her shopping
  2. One of the things that surprises me still is that people that would not think twice about getting a lawyer involved in their home country think it's not necessary here.
  3. Pathum thani no problems did not care about extension in my case I wish they had
  4. Pathum thani wants tm 30 now.
  5. Have you looked at the embassy webpage they have a page that you can do it online
  6. Most people don't care about local elections as they gave no idea who these people are. Local elections are not that important.
  7. People forget we actually fought a war over Canadian u.s. border. Canada is a separate country but our heritage is almost in joint with the u.s. our military train together. We have many Canadian businesses linked together. Consider one of the main American banks is actually Canadian. Did any Americans here wonder what TD stands for. That being said Trudeau fell inline with the Biden Kool aid Immigration from India and china is through the roof with many families trying to walk into Minnesota from Canada. Trump's simply saying that if Canada wants to get all the benefits of the u.s. then they might as well be part of the family. An example of a different but same is I had a friend that was always at our house ate dinner and always seeed to be at our house more than his. My dad queried why not make it permanently and just become another son This is a slap at Trudeau that woke up more people in Canada. Canadians are not going to give up what we have. Once Trudeau is gone then things will start to settle down.
  8. Putting it that way makes it easy which story to believe. The cop is right lol. Daily mail hasn't missed a crap hit piece never lets facts get in the way. Thailand should sue for slander daily mail seems to thrive on one sided hit piece's
  9. Nothing will be done in the open until the Coursts have had their say on Thaksin, Once he is muzzled and the dynasy is ended. You will see the removal of PT as the government and then it will be PP aganst BJT with al the little parties screwing it up. Remember when it comes to electing a PM the Senate has no power anymore. He she who has the most seats wins
  10. Debit cards are useless unless youkow the pin Credit card copanies are quick to shut off cards Airbnb will not protect a renter Thai police are bad but not that bad What kind of sign was it that a fat guy could damage it completely
  11. Wondering how long it will take the Thai media to respond
  12. What do you need to do to verify it do ehty need a bill fromTrue with your name or what
  13. It is going to be interesting to see how many cases of election interference are laodged abainst the PT in these locations. Thaksin was supposed to not have any input and Whenthe dust setttles not nly could the PTP be out of power in teh natioanl sense but a lot of these provincial people could be out also. The rally bad news though is that BJT seems to be buldingpower that will give them even more interest in getting rid of Thaksin's puppet. I can see a case against her as being ineffective as a leader being brought based on daddy's hand up her bum or controling the strings. Has she in her life ever had a thought that was not generated by either MOM or DAD first.
  14. There are just as many male Karens these days as female. The chinese lady in question is not a female. She is that rare and hated university grad that tries to be a journalist with the MSM bias that she was taught in university. It is a scarey thing. I think that there are still some females that like to be treated as female but the loons and the ones looking for hey this is me i want my monet int eh sun, are taking all the funout of it. Good example is all the "females" that back Trans men in sports and do not care about what it is doing to real women. The bigest joke is theWASP women ones that are protecting about racial inequality and then go hokme to their parents house and live off them or cry when theya ren ot given a job at the price they want. Women in the west have like men in the west been spoiled. They have ot dealt with hard times. They do not understand what mom and dad went through to get that nice house 20 years ago at a cost they could afford. They think everything should come to them. NON-HISO Thai women understand that it takes work and that there is a lot to offer but that no one is gong to give it to them. not everyone can have Thaksin as a daddy.
  15. Yes been there a few times always busy and defintiley a mixed crowd with the added market crowd tourists walking by
  16. What would be the hassle or downside of forgetting the 15 month extension and working with the origianl 12 month exrtension and going into Ranong and trying to extend that way. The only downside that ican see is that they tellhim he has to wait and come back in 3 months. I had/have the saem issue in that bangkok agents when Icame here wanted to give me a Bangkok address even though I lived in PT. I found that once i had the info and @LosLobo seems to have it all that it was just as easy to do it myself. Most immigration are set up for people that have mobility issues. Am I wrong?
  17. Good Muslim man. LOL I wonder how much of the story he will change when he gets home. The troubel is a lot of guys come here and start drining for the first time and imbibe too much.
  18. Politically Thaksin is very smart. His problem is his ego and his need to be seen and heard. I am sure that he will return as the last thing he needs to do is astart a war or sorts withthe PM of malaysia and imagine what would happen to his daughter.
  19. Pe4ople watching has been around for a long time. It is just something that we do to kill time when having a coffee or such. Doyou really think that bars and restaurants put people ouside just so they can have anice meal. People go for the food, drink or to see and or be seen.
  20. That is what I am talking about. sitting having a coffee or a bevie and just looking at all the people walking by. Yes there are the dtrange dressed people the tourist but then you have all the lovley dressed for office work ladies dressed to the 9's NANA at the game or soi 4 is interesting but it is not the same.
  21. next stop Dubai although not sure that that Ibrahim would be too happy with himn
  22. 7pm no extra trains VID_20250131_190541.mp4
  23. I would have said Thai ladies but trying to be PC That being said where is your favorite place to watch others. Mine is sala deng Starbucks. Many lovely ladies all shape and sizes
  24. Has op looked at the islands Samed has beaches and open sky no big lights
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