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Everything posted by MrMuddle

  1. Bangkok Bank signed mine in February, no fee involved, no problem, but I do have a lot of money in their Bank.
  2. There is a translation to English option, on Google, but to be honest I'm none the wiser! Can't see any football listed.
  3. Absolutely fed up with them, our dish moved with strong winds, and it was two weeks before they turned up to fix it. Now it seems the dish has moved again, and they want me to pay them to move it!, So before I tell them where to shove their equipment, what are the alternatives?
  4. At last a sensible comment! What on earth are you doing on this forum? lol
  5. It makes Thailand look progressive, which can't be a bad thing, given the state of the rest of the world!
  6. Yes it does, but I can email the executor copies and translation of the Thai will, once I get one sorted out. I could also post them to him.
  7. Link please, how much did it cost?
  8. Where from? Have you a link, please?
  9. Got the form three months ago, it took six weeks to reach me, which is ridiculous. Previous longest wait for mail was a month. Sent it back by Thai EMS to be signed for when they get it. Seems as though all OK as I'm still getting my Pension. Only been getting the pension for 18 months. How often do they send these things out? Is it worth pointing out to them I intend to live to be 200 years old, just to spite them ? lol
  10. I'm looking to complete a will for all of my assets in Thailand. I already have a UK one for my assets there. I want a form acceptable to the local City Hall, so i can register the will there, and hopefully make life easier for my wife, when I die. Any other useful tips, information would be helpful. Thank you.
  11. No, it's too time consuming. I don't eat it anyway, the grains are left in the bottom of the cup after I've drank it.
  12. Grind a small amount with your fingernails. Add it to black coffee, or ginger tea, drink it as normal, then wait 20 - 30 minutes, and you'll feel happier, and more relaxed. Don't believe those who say this doesn't work. I've been consuming Cannabis this way since June last year. Works fine for me!
  13. Can you ask for an autopsy not to be done, on religious grounds? I would include it, witnessed in writing, and as part of the will .
  14. Would it be the same problem with the Banks, for a Thai wife inheriting everything from her foreign husband? Would she need the death certificates of the husband's parents? Asking so I can get these, before I pop my clogs!
  15. I've been to Gateshead. It's perfectly understandable someone running away from there!
  16. That's not true either. When I was 42, I took my 17 year old girlfriend to Canada without any such permission, it wasn't asked for at Canada Immigration.
  17. Careful you don't strain that right hand!
  18. Careful you don't fall off that barstool....
  19. I tried, but I was just going through the motions....
  20. Thanks for all of the replies, some very useful information.
  21. Not true that no one cares. We adopted a female and five puppies from our temple a few months ago. Although one sadly died due to a puppy virus that was going around, the others have all been fully vaccinated, and are now thriving in our care. Hopefully we will have many years together with them.
  22. i received one in February. I'd only been claiming my pension for 18 months! It took six weeks to get to my home here, whereas the longest any other item of post had taken was 27 days, in over 20 years of living here. Seems to me they are sitting on these things, trying to make it difficult for people to complete them. I got the Manager at my local Bangkok Bank to sign it, and stamp with the company stamp. Free of charge too!
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