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Everything posted by MrMuddle

  1. Even worse comes from alcohol, which has been legal a lot longer, and does real damage to family life, the person, and society in general. One isolated incident, and every know all in the country wants to jump on the bandwagon.
  2. Been out with a few schizophrenic women, particularly at "that" time of the month, absolutely no Cannabis involved! lol
  3. Expats who ask too many questions...... (Just kidding) Ours eat chicken from Makro, mixed with rice. There are guidelines over what to feed and what not to feed dogs, on Google.
  4. About as scientific as the "report"! lol
  5. I've never been charged for digital payments in the UK, in the decades they have been available. Nor have I ever been charged for the issue of debit / credit cards which is the norm here. Don't the Banks make enough from their customers, with the extremely low interest rates, and high loan / mortgage repayments? Beware the cashless society, designed to remove control of their own money, from ordinary people.
  6. I have had similar problesm with the coughing up phlegm. Realised it was possibly an allergy to cats, (we were looking after my late mother in laws cats, after she died) ,they lived with another sister next door, but we pay for their food and healthcare. Started using a facemask, and not stroiking the cats,as this releases tiny microbes, and also use anti-histamines, when the cats brush against me. Has been a lot better since I've taken these precautions.
  7. Sorry to read this, always helpful, with trustworthy information. My condolences to his family and friends.
  8. I've looked on the internet, but am no wiser, so: Can I get Apple TV in Thailand, does it have MLS on it, (Major League Soccer), how much is it per month here, and will it work on an Android Laptop or Internet TV? Any help / advice / tips appreciated, thank you
  9. More drivel from the anti-mariuana brigade. Why is it these people insist on peddling rubbish? Ever heard of free choice? The saddest part is that the people decrying Cannabis use are usually hardened drinkers!
  10. They ask would you like this, that or the other test. If you say yes, it all goes on your bill. They see foreigners as a walking ATM!
  11. Looking at possible alternatives for the future. Phillipines is interesting because it's mainly English speaking. Any advice / tips welcome.
  12. I'm a Doctor of lurve, baby. Once went out with a lass with your surname, she gave the best BJ I ever had, any relation?
  13. My missus did the same. She took a photo of the licence from the site, and keeps it on her phone, in case the cops ever come! lol
  14. Ridiculous stories, anyone with any inteligence can see it's propaganda. Every village has kids, usually boys, who are uncontrollable, due to their every wish being granted by aging grandparents, who look after them, while the kid's parents chase big money, in the cities. NOTHING at all to do with Cannabis, and EVERYTHING to do with bad parenting. There's a man who visits our village, who has tantrums, and jumps up and down like a big soft girl, when he can't get his own way, and shakes when he can't get any alcohol. All caused by his parents indulging him when he was a boy.
  15. So which Party should the Missus vote for, that's in favour of keeping Cannabis legal?
  16. Happy Birthday, Joe always gives reliable information!
  17. If Tottenham was the only team in the PL, they'd still come second....
  18. You're wrong. https://www.thaicitizenship.com/thai-dual-citizenship/#:~:text=Are Thai's allowed to hold,their Thai citizenship without issue.
  19. I paid 850 Baht for a year, to watch Spanish, Italian, French, Scottish, Australian, MLS, FA Cup, and all of the European Competitions on beIN. Great value!
  20. According to the form my wife completed on the internet, one had to have a Thai ID card to register. This may have changed since. Plus I've never heard of a case anywhere in the world, where someone is prosecuted for an offence committed while something was legal.
  21. These are the forms, (in Thai). Seems way over the top to me, considering that one can buy alcohol anywhere, very easily, within the permitted hours, obviously.
  22. Haven't got a growing light, any recommendations for a good one, that I can use outdoors?
  23. It's actually longer daylight, in the part of Thailand I live, at the moment. A few weeks ago it was dark now, (17:55), but it's light here for another 30 minutes or so.
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