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Everything posted by MrMuddle

  1. The English don't learn another language, they just raise their voices - gets the job done!
  2. You don't believe in Santa Claus ???
  3. No idea, but many years ago, in the UK, when I was on a trolley being wheeled to the operating theatre, one of the nurses spotted that I had an earing and a stud, in each ear. They had to hurriedly tape them up, before I was in the theatre. The Nurse asked me if I was gay, because of the earrings. "I'm having a vasectomy" I said, "what do you think"?
  4. Still played where I live and I always stop and stand still while it's playing, out of respect for the country and it's people.
  5. I've used this company to renew my UK passport, I can recommend them, very nice people , efficient company. (Link below) They can even arrange to pay the fees the Passport office requires. I'd recommend registering to renew your 90 day report on line, so if your new passport isn't back in time, you don't have problems doing your 3 monthly report. link: https://www.keyvisathailand.com/services/renewing-uk-passport-thailand/
  6. i had shingles last year, after surgery to remove cancer, apparently it's quite a common thing, afterwards. Got some tablets from the local GP, a few weeks later it had gone. Very paiful while it lasted though.
  7. Are the marks on th eleaves on photo 1 a problem? Do I need to do anything about the change in the leaf colours in photo 2 Will the buds in photo 3 grow together to form one large bud? Plant has been grown from seed it's absquirrel tail, I'm told. Thanks for any help / advice
  8. Easy answer. Because the idiotic electorate are hoodwinked by the non-tax paying media barons, into voting for the Conservatives. The Conservatives have asset stripped the country for decades, until there is next to nothing left. Next...
  9. Where is your evidence that smoking is discouraged for foreigners?
  10. I thought it was only fair to warn people there are lots of aracnophobics about!
  11. On our kitchen window today. Northern Thailand.
  12. Pretty sure they promised to allow alcohol when they "won" the rights to host the tournament. Those in corporate boxes can still drink apparently, according to the BBC. What happened to football is for everyone? Can't help but wonder if they are going to ban women from attending, tomorrow!
  13. Proper wrestling, not like this American rubbish!
  14. Oh! I thought he was American.....
  15. After all the NHS staff went through during the Covid epidemic, when they put their under funded and massively under protected lives on the line, in order to help the general population, I find your slur disgusting.
  16. Is there a reason you're following my posts, and making negative comments?
  17. The Batmobile only has a small boot, for shopping....
  18. No idea, I use the 800K method.
  19. You can apply 28 days before your current stamp expires.
  20. There would be no forum if people who didn't know what they were talking about, didn't post!
  21. so smoking dope makes people into Catholics? I'll stop immediately.... lol
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