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Everything posted by MrMuddle

  1. Any tips for drying plants that are growing outside would be helpful.
  2. Isn't the title of this topic, breaking the law in Thailand, as it is obviously false news?
  3. He obviously loves wedding cake! Next qestion.... lol
  4. MrMuddle


    But NO actual experience of having a circumcised penis? Then your 'reasonable knowledge:, is neither factual or relevant. Next...
  5. MrMuddle


    I don't want or need your sympathy, there is nothing to be sympathetic about. For someone who has posted a lot on this subject, you seem to have no practical knowledge of the outcome of a circumcision, other than wild speculation that appears to be based on rumours and guesswork. What exactly are your qualifications, to back up your assumptions?
  6. MrMuddle


    I didn't have any noticeable loss of sensation, and the benefit to me was that after sex, the foreskin no longer stayed back, behind the glans (the penis head), which was extremely painful to get back in place. This involved a clamp with spikes on it, that was used to pull the foreskin back in place.
  7. MrMuddle


    I was circumcised in my early teens, was asleep and didn't feel a thing. Don't remember any pain afterwards either.
  8. I think you'll find that Prikpot are sponsors of AN and pay to advertise on here.
  9. The difference in death rates between other island nations, Australia and New Zealand, for example, are miniscule compared to Britain. But of course those two countries shut down immediately, while Boris Johnson avoided meetings, and hoped the whole thing would just go away, which is his usual modus operandi, when anything a little difficult comes along. These two countries also have an aging populace, in fact which country doesn't? If "everyone and their cat" knows about Thailand's supposedly underreported figures I suppose it is too much to ask for a reference to your wild accusations? Other than the opinions of people you hang out with in bars, obviously. This side topic came up as part of the general conversation, but perhaps you don't follow things too well. If you're so dissatisfied with the way Thailand does things, perhaps this country isn't for you?
  10. Considering that Thailand is a country surrounded by other countries, and Britain is an island, I thought that Thailand's handling of the Covid crisis was exceptionally good. There were very few deaths here compared to many other countries, and lockdowns were kept to a minimum, especially compared to what happened in Britain. The vaccine roll out was also excellent, I've had my second booster vaccination already, whereas many friends in the UK have still only had one booster. Well done and thank you, Mr Anutin, the Thai Government & Health service!
  11. Alcohol is not acceptable in many societies, mine included. Causes far more trouble than it's worth!
  12. More Reefer Madness crackpot theories, sick to death of seeing and answering these idiotic claims. The Tories are totally out of touch with modern society, as it seems, is the poster! Noticeable how these people never complain about alcohol, which causes more damage to people's health, family life, and society in general, than EVERY other drug put together. Every weekend in towns and cities all over the world, alcohol causes mayhem, yet one NEVER sees Marijuana users fighting in the streets, or abusing others for no good reason.
  13. Probably the most sensibe quote I've seen on this forum!
  14. "instead of seeking the opinions of people which probably dropped from high school" Did they fail English grammar, too?
  15. I think you need to add alcohol to that "list".
  16. Don't think so, cheapest I can see is 1 gram for 260 baht!. Perhaps the original poster left a zero off his claim! The rest of the gear in this link is the usual silly prices!
  17. So I keep reading, but it DOES work for me. Certainly worked again last night! I should point out, I'm almost 70, started smoking Cannabis at aged 14, in the UK, used to smoke an ounce a week, and definiitely know if I'm stoned or not!
  18. I add a few bits of flower to my coffee, ginger tea, or sometimes sprinkle it on my cheese on toast, or pizza, and get off my face no problem, yet I've seen several people on here say it's not possible.
  19. By warranty do you mean insurance cover? Obviously the car is well past its vehicle warranty guarantee, which was three years, if I remember correctly. I just don't understand why they have suddenly changed the servicing from 12 months to six. It's always been done at 10,000 kms intervals, except for the first service at 1,000 kms. The car's only done just over 40,000 kms in over 12 years, yet has been serviced every 12 months.
  20. My wife got phone call from the local agency that sold her the car, advising that her six monthly service is due. The car is 12 years old, (bought new),has been serviced annually up until now and has only done just over 40,000 kms from new. It was last serviced around April, and has had the Thai MOT test since then, with no problems found. I've always been particular about maintenance with my vehicles, I'd never skimp on safety, but I feel that this six monthly service is unnecessary. Is the company trying a fast one, as I can understand car companies are feeling the pinch, in the current economic climate, and are looking to make some easy money. Has anyone else ever had six monthly services on their cars?
  21. I'll give it a go! Thanks again.
  22. Yes, they all start with "you 'orrible little man"....
  23. Thanks for the advice, it may be useful to someone else. I don't eat meat or drink! ????
  24. I'll try the Marigold idea with the next batch we grow. Usually works pretty good for vegetables too.
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