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Everything posted by MrMuddle

  1. No, his price says 6 grams for 2700 Baht. 2700 Baht is 63 Pounds. For 63 Pounds, I can get a lot more than 6 grams, in the UK.
  2. Nowhere near enough. This fella got three years jail, in the UK, for robbing a blind lady of 25 Pounds. https://metro.co.uk/video/man-robbing-blind-woman-broad-daylight-caught-video-2806681/
  3. You're right, you really don't know about UK or anywhere else's politics. She is obviously from the far right, not the left side of the political spectrum. I hope you can find your elbows....
  4. Does this mean an individual can buy seeds online and have them sent here?
  5. Perhaps he means on LIne (the app).
  6. MrMuddle

    Covid 4th shot?

    I live upcountry and had my 4th innoculation last month, the Doctor booked me in for number 5, early next year.
  7. Be interesting to folow the story s time goes on. Don't recall the EU getting involved when the UK downgraded Cannabis during the first Blair Goverment, plus Cannabis doesn't seem to be a problem in Holland, or Portugal. Sometimes people just look on the downside of everything.
  8. No problem, thanks for the help. I found it relaxing, and had a great night's sleep afterwards.
  9. More details here: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63404181
  10. Let me try again. Which type of Cannabis is in the "Happy Cannabis" bag. Thanks for a reply.
  11. What is the Happy Cannabis otherwise known as? I had some before, and liked it, but haven't seen it since.
  12. No problem if you have a Thai partner who has registered to grow.
  13. Any tips for drying plants that are growing outside would be helpful.
  14. Isn't the title of this topic, breaking the law in Thailand, as it is obviously false news?
  15. MrMuddle


    But NO actual experience of having a circumcised penis? Then your 'reasonable knowledge:, is neither factual or relevant. Next...
  16. MrMuddle


    I don't want or need your sympathy, there is nothing to be sympathetic about. For someone who has posted a lot on this subject, you seem to have no practical knowledge of the outcome of a circumcision, other than wild speculation that appears to be based on rumours and guesswork. What exactly are your qualifications, to back up your assumptions?
  17. MrMuddle


    I didn't have any noticeable loss of sensation, and the benefit to me was that after sex, the foreskin no longer stayed back, behind the glans (the penis head), which was extremely painful to get back in place. This involved a clamp with spikes on it, that was used to pull the foreskin back in place.
  18. MrMuddle


    I was circumcised in my early teens, was asleep and didn't feel a thing. Don't remember any pain afterwards either.
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