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Everything posted by MrMuddle

  1. Thought so, but always as well to check! Thanks for the help / replies.
  2. This plant grew from a seed we took from the previous crop, it was planted around six weeks ago, is around a foot high, and has gone into flower and seed already! Looks like a ladyboy plant to me, what do others think? Amazed it flowered so early though.
  3. Looks as though you've just been unlucky, plenty growing in my small village!
  4. I had an MRI scan which confirmed the prostate cancer.
  5. How do you reverse sex in a seed?
  6. Seen plenty of floaters in the sea here, but a human one is definitely a first!
  7. They both have form for that. Did you know there was a French Knight at King Arthur's round table? Sir Render.....
  8. I'm not an England fan, Scotland's my team, but it could be argued that Griezmann should have had a second yellow card, for the foul he did on the half way line, to stop an England breakaway. Most Refs give a card for that, these days. Then later he made the pass for the winning goal.
  9. Because everything I've read says to dry them in darkness. I'll try hanging the next plant individually though, thanks for the tip.
  10. I believe that's a different kind of hookah.....
  11. Thanks, I'll give that a try.
  12. Whatever you do, don't phone the Paranoia helpline. I did, and they demanded to know where I got there number from....
  13. The Mrs is worried she'll get high off the smell, if I bring them in the house! (Really lol). The humidity where I live, is supposed to be from 57% to 38% here for the next week, but my meter showed 99% this morning. Trying a different kind of fan, placed inside the tent overnight to see if that makes a difference. Photos (the tent has a roof which has been removed for the photos). How potent are your flowers after drying and curing?
  14. What is their position on Cannabis? And yes it's all about me! lol
  15. Humidity reached 99% overnight according to my meter, optimum for drying is 45-55%. Tried putting the buds in a dark tent, with a fan running, but still too high. Is there any way to dry the buds, without air conditioning?
  16. Used this company to renew my passport last year, very efficient and helpful throughout. Seemed a genuine gentleman on the phone, very easy to deal with. He will be missed, my condolences to his wife, family, friends and colleagues. I hope his company can continue his legacy. RIP
  17. Which is the right size and strength Boveda bag to cure Cannabis in a small jar? There are several different sizes and types listed on Lazada.
  18. Us Boro fans couldn't believe he got the England job, after the pigs ear he made of the Boro's so called promotion push. Even Steve Gibson, a chairman who was reknowned for his patience, gave Southgate the bullet asap! Gareth Southgate was replaced as Manager by Gordon Strachan. The joke on Teesside, was that it saved the club money, by not having to buy a new cark park sign, as the initials were the same!
  19. Don't care if I get a yellow card or not, I'll be wearing my armband!
  20. Released today - the updated version of the Baddiel/Skinner song, England are doomed now!
  21. Do you have to let them inside the house, or is a warrant required for that? My house doesn't have a number on the gate or the walls, but we have been given one, and the post office delivers here regularly. Is it a legal requirement to have a number on display, for Immigration purposes.
  22. Just got three different strains from there, 10g of Green Crack 10g of KDHY and 10g of Krawie small, all are abolutely fine.
  23. Found quite a few of these blighters, hiding under the leaves. All infected leaves removed, and burned on a fire in the garden. No idea why, but all the neighbours in the village seemed happier than normal that day!
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