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Posts posted by MrMuddle

  1. I've looked in this topic and can't see anything about this matter....

    My (Thai) wife is renewing her British Passport. What evidence is needed of her address from the blue registration book ? Can she get a translation of her Thai address into English done at the local City Hall ? Is this enough proof for the Supporting Document evidence ? Or is there somewhere near Trendy where she can get her Thai ID card and address translated into English quickly, in order to satisfy both parts of the supporting evidence ? We are traveling down from northern Thailand to do this, so any help greatly appreciated.

  2. On our way to Wembley ! Come on the Boro. biggrin.png

    As there was a least 4 ex-Boro players in Bradford City's squad, it could be said we beat both Citeh and Chelski on the same day !tongue.png

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  3. It seems CTH have changed all the channels again. There are now only 2 sport channels from GMM, but thankfully the Championship is still available to view. There are 2 new HD sport channels, but I can't access them. It seems we have also lost the German football. Also gone is the Australia + channel on 187 (formerly The Australia Network). Sigh.

  4. They are planning to travel in a month or so, I believe, so they wouldn't be able to get Thai passports that quickly.

    Have they changed the visa system? I seem to recall getting a non immigrant O visa from Hull by post, but it was a long time ago.

    If they arrive on tourist visas, and then obtain Thai passports here, will they still need to leave the country after 90 days ?

    I assume my friend will need to bring a copy of her son's Birth certificate from the UK, in order to prove his mother is Thai, is that correct ? ( He was born before she got her British citizenship).

  5. Can you please specify what exactly is a 2 entry Tourist Visa ? Can it be obtained from the Consulate in Hull ?

    Can my friend and her son use this visa to get Thai passports while they are here, for possible future use ?

    I believe part of the problem with getting a Thai passport from the embassy in London is that they do not ever answer the telephone, at least that was my wife's experience, when we lived in the UK. It is also too far for my friend to travel, in the UK, from where she lives.

  6. A friend has asked me to find out for her, how she can stay in Thailand for six months as a tourist. She is originally a Thai national, but her Thai passport has expired, and she intends traveling here on her British passport. She will be accompanied by her adult son, who is British born, and is also traveling on a British passport. Will they need to get a visa before they come, and if so, what kind ? Will she need to leave the country after 90 days ?

    I would appreciate it if replies could be in easy to understand English, as I am going to pass the information on to her by email, and English is not her first language.

    Thank you for your help in this matter.

  7. Devolution for England...

    We want are own assembly...

    As for Scotland a good result but with 45% Scott's no very happy bunnies this morning, is not a good thing, but not only more devolution I suspect the will be announcements this morning and in the weeks to come of many companies who will now invest more in Scotland.

    Well you've obviously got your own version of the English language.........cheesy.gif

  8. I am from Rotherham and actually worked in a senior position on the Met. Boro. Council. I can assure everyone that it's not just the 'PC' mafia that make everyone wary of saying anything about the Pakistanis. What has happened is that the Pakistani leaders have crept into every aspect of life in Rotherham. Their corruption is endemic throughout the town. There's cover-ups of drug-dealing, human trafficking, money laundering etc.They even have one of the biggest crooks from the Paki community in the house of Lords, would you believe What happened in Birmingham Schools has been evident in Rotherham's schools for decades.

    .Now, the ghettos in Rotherham are small in comparison to places like Bradford and Leeds - so what is happening in the rest of the country ?. Roger Stone has always been one of the decent guys and I'm not surprised he's taken the decent action and resigned. But the whole of the Social Services department wants a clean sweep; they are full of Neo Marxist PC apologists. One can't blame the police much, they can only check on things if reports are made - if they are not made, what then?

    It's exactly the same in my old home town of Middlesbrough. There are hundreds of drug addicted young girls selling themselves to pay the Pakistani drug lords. But nothing is done about it, even though everyone knows who is behind it all.

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  9. Complete waste of quite a lot of time and nonsense IMO, residency letter from immigration is just as good.


    Really ? Essential if one wants to register for the Foreigners Hospital treatment scheme. I got one in a few days, by going to our local City Hall with my wife, and the headman of our village.

    I have also had letters of residency from our local City Hall.


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