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Posts posted by MrMuddle

  1. The big new thing near Dong Kwang between Lomsak and Petchebun is the new gas station with 7/11. The wife was so excited to see 7/11 open near where she grew up. Now Dong Kwang people can go 7 whenever they want.

    My missus was over the moon when they opened a 7/11 in our village a few years ago. biggrin.png

  2. Why should Israel be restricted from defending themselves by the worst "deal" since the 1938 Munich Agreement? They did not sign it and most Israelis - even Netanyahu’s rivals - reject it.

    Israel refuses to sign up to international treaties too...such as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty....which makes it a nuclear armed rogue state.

    Israel uses this hollow and horrible excuse of "defense" when crossing international boundaries and attacking sovereign nations or civilian populations it has occupied.

    Spare us, please. Attacking Iran on the pretext of "defense" is as false as the US attacking Iraq on the false pretense of WOMD.

    Name another nation or country on this earth that calls for the destructions and annihilations of other

    counties, name another country in this world that actively and openly finance, arms and send troops

    to fight in countries they have no business being there,

    And yes, assuming that Israel DOSE HAVE NUKES, thanks god for that, that's the only thing that keeps her

    safe from a multitudes of Arab/Islam fanatics mad and delusional armies......

    "name another country in this world that actively and openly finance, arms and send troops

    to fight in countries they have no business being there"

    The USA - too many countries to mention them all where they've done that. Nicaragua, for starters though. Plus Cuba, Iraq, Vietnam (say that one quietly - they like to forget about that one).

  3. Over the past couple of weeks, I've been getting a numbness / slight cramp in my toes when exercising. I normally exercise for 2 to 3 hours every morning. I do circuit training, using a cross trainer, and lift weights, and also have an exercise bike. I follow this with aerobics and yoga. I usually get the numbness when I do the yoga. I'm 61, have one kidney, and have conjoined toes (2nd and 3rd toes), on my feet. It is these toes that get numbest. I do not take any medication.
    Any thoughts / help appreciated.

  4. Sadly I think that the first broken leg of the new season belongs to Middlesbrough's new signing Alex Baptiste, who broke a leg on his debut, in a friendly (!!!!) against York City.

    As for Sterling, I hope he ends up like Sean Wright Phillips, with no career to look back on, except for sitting on benches.

  5. As far as I know, Mackems don't have a sense of humour....

    I'm from the Boro.

    I don't begrudge Steve McLaren a big job in football after all he did for the Boro.

    Hopefully when he leaves the Mags he may get one.....

    That is Mackem humour ...................right ?

    (It is hard to tell)

    • Like 1
  6. It's fair enough as far as it goes. The Conservative manifesto stated that they would attempt a renegotiation of the UK's arrangements with the EU and hold a referendum on the outcome which is what he's doing. It is a principle of Cabinet Government that Ministers take collective responsibility for Cabinet decisions and resign if they don't like them, a principle which was frequently ignored by LibDem Cabinet Members.

    Cameron of course isn't saying what will happen if the renegotiations produce no meaningful concessions, which is probably where he is going to end up. It's going top be quite interesting.

    Wh'y's the wretched font size gone small?

    Gotta disagree Eff1n2ret.

    MP's are elected by their constituents to represent them.

    MP's are not elected to be told which way they can or cannot vote.

    I was about to say, it would be nice to see this group actually live by their principles and jump ship to another Party. UKIP immediately sprang to mind, only because of the EU fiasco.

    Dozens of Conservative MPs have declared themselves ready to campaign for Britain to leave the EU if David Cameron's renegotiation amounts to "anything less than fundamental change".

    In a move that will pile pressure onto the Prime Minister, Conservatives for Britain - a new group that already has over 50 politicians signed up - says it is drawing up criteria by which to judge the Government's reforms.


    But it seems that Cameron has already performed an about turn

    David Cameron has not given ministers an EU referendum ultimatum, Downing Street has insisted in an attempt to play down the Prime Minister's comments at the G7 summit.

    Number 10 was forced to clarify Mr Cameron's position after comments he made suggested ministers would be forced to resign if they did not back the campaign to stay in the European Union.


    I honestly think that Cameron does not know his @rse from his elbow.

    Ridiculous, mate !

    Cameron is a well known West Ham Villa or was it, Aston United, fan.


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