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Posts posted by MrMuddle

  1. Out of the two, I prefer CTH, which probably shows how much I hate Truevisions - the staff at their Phetchabun shop were really unhelpful, and rude to my wife, last time we dealt with them. I really hope they don't get the Premier league again, especially as the mighty Boro look to be heading for the big time next season.

  2. Our local Tesco used to sell their own brand of Chocolate with raisins in it, a very large bar was quite cheap, and they used to sell out quite quickly. Now they only sell Cadburys chocolate, they have shelves of the stuff, which is grossly overpriced for the market here. I won't buy anything by Cadburys after they continued to sell salmonella contaminated products a few years ago.


  3. Having lived in a town in the UK where muslim immigrants have taken over, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. If Merkel is so keen to have refugees, they can all go to Germany, and live near her - she'll soon change her mind.
    Why aren't any of these people welcome in other muslim countries, such as Saudi Arabia, The UAE, Qatar, etc ? They won't touch them with a barge pole, why should Europe have them ?

  4. My (Thai) wife recently renewed her UK passport (in May).
    We copied every page of both her Thai and UK passports in colour.
    We had her Thai ID card / her Blue house book translated at the Trendy building - check they have done it correctly before you pay - they had translated her as a "Miss" not Mrs.
    Make sure the renewal photos are as specified in the UKPO requirements, size, position, background colour - if your wife already has a UK passport, they generally don't need the renewal photos countersigning. We had our photos taken in our home town - not sure if you can get them done at the Trendy building, perhaps another TV member can advise on that.
    Only your wife can go up to the floor where the office is to renew her passport, so make sure she understands everything required, before you go there.
    Payment is easier by a UK credit or debit card - my wife's was refused (no idea why), and we got an email from the UKPO asking us to phone them - I used my card no problem. We went to pick up the passport two weeks after we applied for it.
    If you need to know anything else please pm me.

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