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Everything posted by Ctkong

  1. And Thailand like other asean countries used to put foreigners on the pedestal. not anymore. Everyday there is some video of foreigner’s antics that degrade that notion bit by bit . What happens to those quality tourists who came to immerse in Thai culture leaving them in a better condition than before they came. Maybe air tickets should rise to a level where not everybody Tom dick and harry can travel on the cheap bringing their disgusting habits along.
  2. On the flit side, this may be good news to those looking to operate outside the law. A beacon as a haven for those dubious characters to come invest in Thailand where having money can make your problem go away.
  3. I think the defamation is not that his son is guilty but that he paid tb300 million in bribery to certain people to make the problem go away..
  4. ‘After the legal formalities, both the father and children are expected to be deported back to Russia, concluding a poignant chapter in their lives far from home.’ the report says that all of them to be deported back to Russia after legal formalities… meaning the father got to leave Thailand with his kids altogether or the kids go back first and the father join them after detention period over.? Could be years !
  5. You need an iron fist to cobble the coalition leaders to form out policy. The current pm may not be up to the task. Thailand need a strongman at the helm .
  6. Tourism is a big earner for Thailand and without good prospects in the coming year for other industries, this is the only option for current administration to keep the people happy and not going into demonstrations. Moreover this tourism industry need little effort to establish. Just open the floodgates and fiddle with the requirements.
  7. Too many scam marriages for long stay worldwide and Thailand is not exclusive .
  8. This happens because of different ministries having different priorities. The tourism ministry want more visitors with few deterrences, the health ministry wants every visitors insured while the police ( including immigration) wants lesser load in enforcement, the other ministries just want to make more money from tourists and finally the politicians only want everything …votes and all.
  9. Sin sot is more like an insurance asset that the parents keep for the well being of their daughter to live on in case their daughter got divorced. It is never meant to be spent . Thailand do not have social security in welfare in divorce cases so the ladies are on their own after divorce. So I have been told.
  10. ‘terminating the pregnancy is the best option’ no, Thailand is a Buddhist country and terminating life in your womb is illegal. Even doctors would not abort if asked to do so as it will affect their karma too. Buddhist believe your offspring became your offspring due to karmic consequences and no human must interfere with the arrangement of the karmic creditors.
  11. Settling altercation thru physical force is second nature in Thailand. Knives, machetes, swords, steel rods and also homemade guns are everyday items carried by the masses. Until police enforce non lethal items in cars, I will keep on carrying a baseball bat in my car to protect myself in case of some lunatics in a traffic altercation.
  12. You need educated people to manage country folks but if the manager , parents are also of low education, how to pass down the teachings then? Only when the entire country uplift their economic status in life will the social changes follow. We need more middle class spread achieved thru school education to do that.
  13. ‘According to Rattana, the conflict began when Sarawut, a close friend of the victim, arrived and asked Nirun for 20 baht. Nirun’s refusal, accompanied by questions regarding the reasoning for the money enraged Sarawut. A physical altercation ensued, during which Sarawut, unable to overpower Nirun, instead drew a knife and stabbed him once before fleeing towards the end of the alley. ‘ THIS ,OVER A 20Tb ALTERCATION.!! LIFE IS CHEAP IN THIS COUNTRY. you can never win a fight in Thailand. The Brit’s got it lucky even if injured on the head. You never know if Thais ,being thin skinned ,would draw a dagger or machete if they lose the fight. There is never a happy ending like a gentlemen duel with Thais. They fight to win regardless. It either ended with somebody dead or greviously hurt and it won’t be the Thais. There is no need for such drama during your holiday. My take.
  14. Maybe there is nobody there to explain the mechanism of bar girls and drinks. Maybe they even ring the bell like some tourist who create a ruckus upon bill presentation after ringing the bell and buying everyone present a drink on him.
  15. "If somebody gets in your face and calls you a cocksucker, I want you to be nice. Ask him to walk. Be nice. If he won't walk, walk him. But be nice. If you can't walk him, one of the others will help you, and you'll both be nice. I want you to remember that it's a job. It's nothing personal." problem with these scenario is that Thai security quality other than using off duty policemen is left much to be desired. I don’t think these unprofessional enforcers are trained to look after customer’s well being but rather the bar’s profit. They are basically thugs with a ‘license’ . Anger management not one of their virtue.
  16. Yes, immerged into the essence of Thai culture while imbibing their nectar…
  17. pay every drink bill shows regular experienced ‘been there and done that ’ expat and not a 2 weeks millionaire that can be bill padding. Bad for male ego and ladies business.. 😄
  18. The onus is on the owner of the car making a theft report or an investigating officer IO being assigned by his superior after the cctv was viewed for the case to become ‘alive’. This being Thailand , it depends upon how much damage is done to pattaya’s reputation as a family resort city. Better to just let any red light night club brawl died down quietly than to prolong it in the public’s eye. The mayor may not be pleased.
  19. Given the brawl is in a red light night club area of infamous adult playground of pattaya , the louts would not gain much sympathy from the masses. Most probably brush it off as a brawl among hooligans imported from UK. The enforcers ? Oh, they are just doing their job ….putting the hooligans in their places. Some people may even think it serve them right for being obnoxious on their night out.
  20. True… but if some people were to be ‘brave’ enough to commit a crime right in front of the enforcer of law, the police would have no alternative but to enforce the law. Please note that that policeman would have to book the offender , make an arrest and file a report which I believe many Thai police would rather turn a blind eye to misdemeanor offenses instead when there is no profit in the process. Once I had a break in at my home. Small value stolen but no blood shed. Went to police station to make a report as required. Policeman manning the counter asked me if any blood was shed .i replied none. He then said no need to file report. He has more important things to attend to pointing to a pile of confiscated swords and arms saying tonight is a busy night for gangs.
  21. Again it depends upon your psyche, place of habitation, community, workplace. There are all types of Thai people and different social status…. Foreigners ( whites) in my mooban live just fine with no discrimination that I can see. Everybody smile and polite in greetings during their daily runs and cars giving way graciously…. Been living in this village for 10 years.
  22. They need a dead body to kick off the investigation…. If no complainant.
  23. Unless it is a homicide ( dead body turned up) or serious crime against the public, police cases need a complainant to file a complaint. Complainant details need to be entered into the system before a case can be filed. Without the existence of a case, the investigating officer IO cannot be appointed so the ‘case’ go nowhere.
  24. Mustache denotes masculinity and position of power ie. as in Muslim countries. Clean shaven denotes feminine character… as in gay . He must be proud of his hair growth as you don’t see many mustachioed Thais around. Better he shave his head to atone for his sin …
  25. It may also work in Thailand’s favour now that those hooligans or bogans know that their antisocial behavior would not get the woke treatment like back in their home countries. act like a dxxx and you may get your arse kicked!
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