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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Was very sorry about this, He was a perfect gentleman. I was a Glasgow taxi driver and picked up Fernando and his then wife and drove him up to The stadium for an Old Firm game in which he was not playing as he was injured in a European game beforehand, we had a good conversation and I told him I was a Celtic supporter. He gave me a big tip. RIP Fernando.
  2. RIFC. The worst Champions League performance ever. Don't worry, it's not as bad as it looks, the club is only 10 years old.
  3. An unelected soldier amongst politicians?? What a comedy show that must have been. ???? ????
  4. I agree with you about these American sports but Rugby?? "They rely on skill to play the game". What skill would that be, please explain.
  5. A certain player with Scotlands newest club RIFC will know all about that.
  6. Rugby must be about the most boring sport ever. It seems that any big fit, strongly built, fast runner can play it. I just fail to see where the skill is.
  7. What about all the shaved heads, you know the back of the heads, I used to hate it when I was a little boy, it was forced on me before I was big enough to stand up to my parents. Most of the young men today have these "little boy" haircuts, and as for these beards???? Todays young girls will not know what a handsome guy really looks like, ie Elvis, Ricky Nelson etc. Sorry for going a bit off topic here.
  8. I don't understand about a small case, I have two sets of earphones, both cost about 2000Bt and are about 3 years old, the other set is working fine. I will take them to a computer shop the next time I am in Nakhon Sawan. I just can't get the hang of adjusting the volume on them using the + and - buttons.
  9. Well done the guy, I would have done that myself.
  10. The unelected PM and his soldiers have never been interested in anyone else but themselves.
  11. On my morning bike run for exercise, hardly a day goes by without some motorbike rider pulling away in front of me without looking or coming out of a side road also without looking. It happened twice this morning. My life or well being is not in much danger as I watch for it all the time and am ready for it. The majority of Thai road users have very little common sense and are not fit to be on the road, and once again, no apologies for Thai bashing.
  12. "Otorhinolaryngologist" That sounds like the surname of one of these Thai policemen with the fancy ranks.
  13. Yes Off-ski, but only after I got what I wanted and making sure I was not out of pocket.
  14. When I was younger back in the UK, I briefly worked as a bus driver (I needed pay packets to get a mortgage) at the end of the week, any losses were taken out of our pay, but if you had gains the bus company did not add them on to your pay. No prizes for guessing what I did about that. ????
  15. The unelected PM mixing with real politicians? I'd love to be a fly on the wall for that.????
  16. Does this hysteria not meant maybe to further line the pockets again of the soldier government, certain hotels, and most of the medical profession?
  17. Was this unelected PM and his soldiers not responsible for being behind most other countries with the supply of vaccines at the beginning of the pandemic causing these field hospitals having eventually to open up?
  18. There is a regular egg seller in my village, the only one who sells very large duck eggs, but he does not sell them in 10's, he sells them in trays which are about 30 I think, that's fine, but how long can they stay fresh in the fridge?
  19. There is money for the insurance company somewhere. They did not pay just pay out for good will.
  20. I have now managed to install MPC-HC. I am very pleased with it, I must have uninstalled and reinstalled 5 times then it finally worked. Just another case of a computer being a computer.
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