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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I have never at any time had to get up in the middle of the night to use the toilet and I am a good bit over 40.
  2. I have a three year old Xiaomi Note 4 phone. there are loads and loads of useless apps on the phone. Most of them start with com.android ---------. Should I just delete them if they are never used? Are there any I should not delete? Thanks.
  3. Yes. 24 hour crackdowns on corruption and most other things. This is the Banana Republic of Thailand.
  4. "is his arrest happening soon....". Excellent question, but no chance. He has soldiers, guns and tanks behind him. That is why he is still an unelected PM, even after 8 years.
  5. Where is Charoen Krung, in Bangkok? What does ICBW stand for?
  6. I have been told that a deposit box is very hard to rent in Thailand, even in Bangkok, especially for a farang.
  7. No! Not communism, capitalism is OK up to a point, it has gotten worse since the pandemic. If I was lucky enough to find a way of making money quick, sure, I would buy a big expensive house, cars, take expensive holidays, stay in the best hotels. But I would never forget the people who helped me get rich, and I would not be scared to cut my profits when I had enough money to last me and my family for life. It is the greed part of capitalism I hate. It's the system where the rich keep getting richer on the backs of the poor, and they just get poorer. Maybe you get the gist of what I mean.
  8. If the police would spend more time chasing drunk drivers instead of hounding prostitutes who are doing nobody any harm, that would be a start.
  9. About ten years ago there was a big protest against capitalism with people camping out in the grounds next to counsellers offices in the centre off Glasgow. If I was living there at the time I would have joined them.
  10. I usually agree with your posts, but I have to say that no guy should approach a young female by herself no matter what country you are in unless she gives you some sort of come on, that also applies in red light areas.
  11. There was virtually no conversation between us at all with them not speaking English and a big screen between us. They maybe did give me a receipt but I would just have thrown it away. Thanks for all your help, but this is Thailand and we are regularly cheated with authorities at every turn, but this is maybe an upcountry thing as I never have problems dealing with banks or anything similar in Bangkok. Maybe it is coincidence but I seem to be cheated regularly since the pandemic, the way I was never treated before. I think maybe people are so badly off financially because of the pandemic and the European war.
  12. No they showed me 3 cards and asked me to pick, I picked the same one again, and you do not get insurance, I think you are referring to accident insurance, if you are over sixty with Bangkok Bank. Farang price again maybe?
  13. No. The card was only about 2 months old. Maybe with the bank being upcountry where I live, I was given the Farang price.
  14. I lost my Bangkok Bank debit card Be 1st. Mastercard and was charged 500Bt for a replacement.
  15. Yes, the soldiers unelected government. Over 50 Baht to the UK Pound in 2014, 42+ now.
  16. I lost my Bangkok Bank debit card and they charged me 500Bt to replace it. Crooks.
  17. They cannot touch your state pension, it say's so on the DWP website, private pension yes.
  18. Anyone got any advice about buying gold? I know to go to China Town. As a beginner, what is the most I should spend at a time? How often should I buy? Should I rent a deposit box? Are there any topics about buying gold on this forum? Thanks.
  19. So the unelected PM no longer has a sleeping partner. ???? Never mind, there is still the other Chuckle Bother. ????
  20. Thanks, that's fine, so why do they have the things they put your debit card into? I noticed one at every counter. If you can't use a debit card at a 7-11, I also could not use one at my local Honda agent. The cashless society is still a very long way off, but hey!! This is Thailand.
  21. Today I went to a 7-11, I saw the debit card thing there, so I handed over my debit card to pay for my purchases. The girl tried all ways and could not operate my card, she called over another assistant and she could not operate it either, so I ended up just paying cash. These girls I know are badly paid and obviously do not have a good education, otherwise they would not be working for these low wages, so how are they going to cope in a cashless society? Go into Lotus or Makro etc and the girls at the pay register all know what they are doing. So why at the 7-11's the facilities are there, but there is no point of them if the assistants have no idea of how to work them.
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