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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I cannot get any insurance at the moment except the compulsary kind. My 7 year Forza always had 1st class insurance, now I am told my insurance company does not insure bikes over 4 years old. So it is bye bye 1st class insurance. Now I just have to hope if I have an accident that is not my fault, the other party are legally on the road.
  2. Is your wife's daughter the eldest of her children? Is the house in your wife's name? Be careful, if your wife dies before you, you could find yourself out of a home. Unless there is some way around it, your wife's daughter could legally put you out of your home as it will automatically be in her daughters name.
  3. I don't, I have never been threatened with violence in Thailand or even came close to it in 15 years because I never look for trouble. In the UK it is much harder to avoid trouble especially for someone like me who never takes any sh!t from anyone.
  4. Too many posters here think they are texting on their smartphone instead of typing on a forum. Just pure laziness and so very annoying.
  5. Try calling the police if you live upcountry and the local police do not speak any English and you don't speak Thai.
  6. No I am not American, just someone who will take drastic action if there is any chance of anyone committing violence against him.
  7. He could easily have had a gun hidden, so how can you be sure anyone does not have a gun? If a stranger is on your property after dark he should be walking towards your door, anything else, like trying to hide somewhere, or prowling about, you have to do something about it, especially if you have a family to protect. No one should ever be on your property unless they are there to see someone who lives there. Anything else and they deserve all they get.
  8. I don't agree, the previous poster JonnyF has it spot on, you cannot intrude on other peoples property, if you let him get away, he could turn round, pull a gun and shoot you. You cannot say that could not happen.
  9. He should not face prosecution, he should have a right to defend his own property, how did he know the intruder would not pull a knife, or even a gun? The intruder got what he deserved, unless there is something else that was not reported. Back in the UK I always had a pick axe handle next to my front door, and would have used it if I felt threatened by any stranger on my property.
  10. What about people who decided they wanted to retire here about say 15 years ago, because the rules then were far easier than they are now? I would never retire here today under the present system which treats you like a prisoner on parole with the ridiculous 90 day reporting.
  11. I will never overstay, but if I do not agree with any laws, I will ignore them and just break them if I can find a way round them.
  12. If you were an old guy many years ago, you must be about ready to get a telegram from old King Charlie. That's if you are from the UK. ????
  13. No he isn't, just as long as he is not jumping on a motorbike or car after he is finished.
  14. Your Lucky. Mine is full of intermittent faults, sometimes I cannot even get the alarm to go off so I have to switch the complete phone off and turn back on. If all these faults would stay then maybe I could get them fixed.
  15. The best answer must be, because they can. Capitalism pops up everywhere, anytime.
  16. I did not say they were all stupid, I said that most of them are, and I stand by that. Most, yes I mean most Thai drivers and motorbike riders are stupid and not fit to be behind a steering wheel or handlebars..
  17. I am not saying he was not wrong, it was the way you accused him of BS, I think that was wrong about a guy who was only trying to be helpful.
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