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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. There they are, the unelected PM and his sleeping partner. Politicians?? ???? ????
  2. No one on my ignore list, I find that the biggest majority of TV/AN users to be OK, though that is not to say I don't always agree with them.
  3. I have not been here for that long when Thaksin was PM so I cannot comment, But it would seem that OneMorefarang feels the same way about Thaksin as I feel about the unelected soldier posing as a PM today.
  4. "but I detest driving here, especially in Bangkok," I have driven and rode motorbikes many times in Bangkok and never had a problem with bad drivers, yet I cannot say the same about Pattaya, Nakhon Sawan, Phitsanulok, Rio Et, Khon Kaen, etc, etc.
  5. True, but that may be the chance you have to take when you are in combat.
  6. If you are unfortunately from a country who invades another country and you disagree with it but are conscripted, you don't have to kill, murder or rape anyone, what would stop you from shooting to miss instead of shooting to kill and keeping away from women?
  7. How would Farangs want to show any support to an unelected government official who says we are dirty and don't shower?
  8. I have said this time and again, only police officers above a certain rank can ask to see your passport, don't know which rank though, and no one has came on to say I'm wrong, though I suspect I could be.
  9. Full time. Musician, Bass guitar, Keyboards, Vocals. Part time. Bus driver, HGV driver, Taxi driver. Private investigator.
  10. I would say it is the UK government who are committing the fraud.
  11. They seem to get good reports, but in my experience they are not very good at answering emails.
  12. You mean you have started getting plastered and it's still well before 5pm.
  13. As a PM he should know how to greet people from other countries, don't forget that he took over the country with the army at his back, no previous knowledge of greeting people from other countries. If he was a politician he would soon know the correct protocol. Do you think Thaksin or his sister would have known the correct procedure? Of course they would just like any other proper politician.
  14. It just shows how enept the unelected PM is. Proper elected PMs are real politicians who know all about this protocol.
  15. The unelected PM is a Military Academy educated soldier with about the same low IQ as his countrymen who forced his way into being an PM with soldiers guns and tanks behind his back who is way out of his league amongst real elected politicians, so he is bound to get snubbed. Anyway, was the also unelected Burmese PM at this conference?
  16. Would that not depend on what they have for breakfast?
  17. I thought you stayed off the drink till after 5pm Steven, as before that you always make sensible posts, then after that --------. ????
  18. "Why do people start drinking in bars as soon as they open". If they are doing this every day or even most days, it is because they have a drink problem. One out of every three expats I have known and met regularly since I first came here, had drink problems. I imagine it would be much the same today.
  19. One more thing, cricket to me is also a boring sport, but it is easy to see there is a bit of skill involved in it.
  20. Yes, I will give you that, it would take skill to kick a ball between the posts. But when it comes to running while carrying a ball, people chasing you and trying to catch you, pulling each other down, making a huddle, I still say any big strong fit guy who can run fast can play rugby.
  21. "What the world needs is a major redistribution of wealth, not another 'austerity' programme for the poor." I agree up to a point, just remember that some, just a minority though, do not want to work, and some that do, just drink and smoke their money away. Why should people who work to make a good standard of living for themselves subsidise people like that? Edited 11 hours ago by BritManToo
  22. The very first date I ever had the very first time I was in Thailand, as a night trip on that river, yes, I would recommend it on a romantic date.
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