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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I lived with my wife for 5 years before we got married. Have now been together for 15 years.
  2. That's the way it is, I have to go and get my tyre tomorrow.
  3. The insurance companies have gotten wise to them. The Indians that is.
  4. There are no motorbike tyre shops where I live so the Honda dealer in the next town has to order one for me.
  5. Just imagine it, the unelected PM and his sleeping partner up against each other. I wonder who has the most soldiers, guns and tanks? ???? ????
  6. If foreigners are really wealthy, they are not going to be coming to The Banana Republic Thailand, run by a bunch of tinpot soldiers.
  7. and girls working in a bar is not their normal alternative occupation?
  8. If he was throwing bottles at the police and hit any of them on the head, it could have killed, so how is it heavy handed?
  9. "Overstay is a serious problem in any country." Even in the UK?? Jump on a dinghy, arrive in the UK, get a hotel room, pocket money, and 3 meals a day, all at the taxpayers expense. People in most cases, do not need to worry about overstaying.
  10. Yes it may be easy money for the bar girls, but when you see the state of a lot of the old and even the not so old guys, very overweight etc, the money is not really that easy for them, is it?
  11. I am the only white guy in my surrounding area, when I first came here 15 years ago there were loads of them, some have left the country, the rest have died, I cannot remember the last time any new farangs came into my area. If I was starting off in retirement now I would spend a few months in Thailand and a few months in Cambodia before I decided. The only really good thing about Thailand now is the safety of being able to walk the streets after dark, but again I do not drink or frequent bars. The good also still outweighs the bad compared to the UK.
  12. Thanks a lot. That was very helpful, but it means now I could run into problems if I was out on one of my road trips and needed a tyre I could hit problems. How do other people on a bigger bike cope with this on road trips? I have had this bike for 7 years now, 46000Ks and this is the first time I have needed a new tyre because of some sort of damage.
  13. With Honda agents, are some of their mechanics only qualified to work on bikes up to about 150cc or what? The back tyre on my Forza has a slow puncture, but it seems it needs a new tyre. I live in a small town with only a Honda and Yamaha agent. The agent sent me to a local motorbike company, they just waved their hands at me saying "no no". I had to take my bike to another Honda agent in the next town 15Ks away to get it attended to. They have ordered me a new tyre. Why did my local agent not order the tyre? I can only think that they are not qualified to work on bigger bikes.
  14. It has been doomed for the last eight years. The only reason they are still there is the other soldiers, guns and tanks.
  15. My travels on the motorbike have only been sometimes in Bangkok and Pattaya, never south of there. They have mostly been in Central Thailand and Isaan. I have only been in Hua Hin once and that was when I was a school teacher, and the teachers at the school were invited down to Hua Hin for the weekend. It was a very nice place.
  16. That surprises me, having traveled through much of Thailand on my motorbike, there is always Makro and an occasion Tops in some places. Apart from Bangkok and Pattaya I have never seen a Villa or Foodland.
  17. Did you not see "To Hell and Back"? Audie Murphy playing himself. I first saw it as a little boy, best war movie ever.
  18. That's all very well, but I am still not sure what YMMV means, anyway I am not going to waste my time googling because someone is too lazy to type properly instead of using initials. I am not trying to be rude as you are one of the more sensible posters here.
  19. I am very surprised to hear that there is sometimes no Foodland in the same vicinity as a Villa Market. But then I do not live in Bangkok and am mainly only around the lower Sukhumvit area when I do go there.
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