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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I did not say she raised her voice either, I said if and I stand by what I said. Now this debate is over, it is going nowhere.
  2. It would depend on how the nurse was doing her job, if she was talking nice without raising her voice, I would talk nice back without raising my voice. If she was raising her voice to emphasis authority I would not be slow in raising my voice back.
  3. You guess right, a very nice guy who does not take any cr@p from anyone.
  4. The poster was not well, he was sent to queue here, then queue there, this was a dreadful way to teach someone who is obviously not well.
  5. "I would have unleashed a verbal tirade on her". So would I.
  6. Thainess - a true definition? I sympathise with you all the way here. When this pandemic started, it showed most of the Thai medical profession up for what they really are. Greedy capitalists.
  7. This disgraceful company will not let me sign in again. After I have signed in successfully the last few times, all I get now is something to do with security and the will send me 6 digit one time password to my email address which they don't do at all. Now I can't get in to track my order. This is the same email and password I have used with them for years, now my security is suspect???? shower of incompetents.
  8. We are living in a lawless society, unless of course there are plenty of brown envelopes on the go.
  9. What if his team was getting beat? He might have been a supporter of a certain new club in Glasgow. ????
  10. I wanted to go back to the IO at Swampy and get it corrected, but the guy at Key Visa warned me it could cause problems, his exact words. I was just greatful that Key Visa saved me from that possibility. besides, what's 1000Bt?
  11. A few years back I remember queueing at Swampy Immigration on returning to Thailand. I joined a queue where the opposite one was moving much faster than mine, the person opposite me in the other queue got my attention as she was a beautiful young girl. I was amazed to find that she reached the IO a good few people before me, I would estimate I had to wait at least 15 mins after she had gone through. When I reached the IO I noticed it was a woman, but if I am being honest, I did not look to see if it was a man IO at the other queue, though I would like to bet that it would have been.
  12. Yes, I emptied the recycle bin and it has given me a little more space.
  13. and if these crooked directors get reported to someone higher up the chain, you can bet that their noses will also be in that very same trough, hence nothing will be done.
  14. Certain PM's, could be referred to here, ie all British PM's in the last 50 years for stealing from retired expat OAP's by not awarding them their annual pension increases.
  15. "meaning you think that the nation doesn’t have highly educated people to run a company?" You have people with probably an average low Thai IQ running the country, ie, the unelected PM and his sleeping partner. So why not similar running a company?
  16. "almost seemed like money came before cure." I'm afraid that is very true, it is very typical of the Thai medical profession, more interested in filling their pockets than helping you. But I would accept there will be some doctors who don't have a cash register in their heads.
  17. "I'm also thinking Scotland highlands ? By myself in a cabin in the country mountains" Yes, go to Scotland if want lots of rain and wind battering your windows, if you are very well off financially, you can also afford the extortionate energy bills.
  18. Go to an agent, I had a wrong stamp arriving at the airport from the UK, Genuine mistake by Immigration. Key Visa in Pattaya got it fixed for me, only charged 1000Bt. Excellent service.
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