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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Oh! I forgot, the unelected PM and his soldiers. ????
  2. I would have handed the case in to the police, but not any money, when it comes to theft, is they're anyone worse than the police?
  3. Sorry I didn't see it, it had only just happened to me. This was some coincidence, maybe a mod can sort it out as the two topics are very similar.
  4. But surely you would want to return it to the owner.
  5. Even to the police? I would be very wary of that, but I would go by what my wife says.
  6. Even if there was no ID you would just take someone's word that it was their money??
  7. Yes, that is what I would have done if I had not found the owner. But I would not hand over any money to the police. My plan was to search it for ID, if there was a very lot of money I would go by what the wife says.
  8. The food has been refreezed again so if it is cooked say in a slow cooker, it should be OK? the food is less than 1000Bt worth but I would need to travel to the nearest Makro to replace it which is about 60 Ks away.
  9. I have since found out that the wife's daughter had defrosted the freezer, but the food was completely thawed, so if I cook it then smell it and it is OK then it is safe to eat it? My wife says it will be fine to eat.
  10. Yesterday I was riding home on the hard shoulder up the 117 highway when I saw this case lying on the 1st lane with the traffic driving round it. I stopped, picked it up, it was heavy, so I strapped it up on the back seat and continued on my journey. I was thinking about what to do with it when I got home, obviously opening it up and seeing if there was any sort of ID so I could get it returned to the owner. A few Ks up the road I saw a truck sitting there with the hazzard lights on, and a girl with a baby looking at the traffic. I stopped and she saw the case on my bike and I knew it was hers. What would you have done if that girl with the truck wasn't there? What if there was a fair amount of money in it? I know I would not have taken it to the police with the money in it for obvious reasons, so what would you have done? I have found money in the past and handed it in at the police station back in the UK, I even found a credit card the last time I was in the UK and took it to the bank. If you found a large amount of money with no ID on it while in a taxi or a bus, or even lying on the pavement. Would you take it to the police here in Thailand, or handed it to the taxi or bus driver?
  11. Any work that has been done to my house in the last 15 years, ie electrics, building works or repairs etc, have been excellent, apart from only one odd occasion.
  12. Lazada made me trouble at the login (name/password) requiring captchas, unlock with code via mail that never arrived (might be the mail provider bouncing anything from Thailand). "In the end I gave up and created a new account based on my mobile nr. and a Gmail account. Works Ok since then." I had the same problem and done the same as you, it worked well for a while then went back to it's old ways. I am now back to my original email and password, and it works about one time in five. I am now so fed up with their six digits one time password etc. Lazada is just one big shambles apart from getting my deliveries.
  13. The majority of Thai people, I will not say they are stupid, but they do have a sad lack of intelligence and common sense, their road behaviour tells you that as most Thai's do ride motorbikes, let their underage children ride them on main roads, leave and enter side roads on the wrong side as well as just riding on the wrong side of the road. I am not going off topic here, just using road behaviour as an example, there are also other examples.
  14. We have an outside freezer, someone has left the lid open and the food is completely defrosted, the freezer is mostly empty and the food, one packet of green garden peas two packets of fish, two packets of pork sausages, and pack of French Fries, have completely defrosted, can any of that food be defrosted again and be safe to eat? Thanks.
  15. If you are ugly and have a big belly it is the only way you are going to get sex.
  16. I never knew who any of the two of them were either. What about Peter Manuel? Anyone know who he was?
  17. Or Peltin Elton. Now there's one to put on the mantelpiece to keep the kids away from the fire. ????
  18. What about his big brother Old King Charlie?? He makes the "sleeping partner" that's the unelected Thai deputy PM, look like Elvis.
  19. Deliveries from Lazada with their companies are no problem, if you are buying food again no problem, but beware of their sellers when you are ordering other stuff, the last two things I bought from them just did not work, yes it was only a few hundred Bt, but just the same????
  20. Excellent post, and I agree with what you are saying, but the unelected PM is not a politician. We all know how he got into running the country.
  21. That's probably true, but one thing a PM in Thailand does not need is a high IQ, the present unelected PM being a soldier is proof of that.
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