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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. "qualifications in Thailand are not required for many jobs". Certainly not when it comes to running the country.
  2. What about the UK police arresting people for protesting about Randy Andy? This is a guy who, like his big brother Old Charley, awards himself medals, and was hiding in his helicopter during the Falklands war, and we all know about his past, don't we?
  3. Thailand cannot play politics, the unelected PM and his Junta are not politicians, but soldiers who should stick to their barracks and parade grounds.
  4. Looks like I had better watch what I say about the unelected, sorry, the elected PM. ????
  5. To cover up all these ugly faces that they keep trying not to lose.
  6. No! I mean a politician in Pattaya. Some of these politicians have more bling and do more posing than the UK's old King Charlie. ????
  7. "True but actually really good to see him without one." With a face like his, he would be better to keep wearing a mask.
  8. The unelected PM and his fat sleeping partner.
  9. and who is the top brass? Would that be the unelected PM "there will be no coup" and his sleeping partner not forgetting the other Chuckle brother "the farangs are dirty and don't shower"?
  10. What happens when one of these ladies wants to shower with you? ????
  11. Old Charlie with all his medals and bling, what a poser.
  12. Just what does anyone see in Peltin Elton, sure he can play the piano, but he is pot ugly and certainly does not have a good singing voice. I've heard a better noise flushing the toilet.
  13. Would any top world politicians really want to have any dealings with soldiers? Especially one with an IQ similar to the average Somchai in the street.
  14. Why should anything have to be bad? Just to make governments rich? Or in Thailands case, to make the soldiers rich.
  15. "I'm not retired here, so I can joke all I want." You are obviously not retired here coming away with statements like that. I would doubt if you have ever been retired here.
  16. As a 50 year old, I met and stayed with a 28 year old for nearly 3 years, not long before I first came to Thailand. That was one of the reasons I came to live in Thailand, because I knew I would never do that again. While I'm here, did Bill Wyman of the Rolling Stones not score with a 14 year old at the age of 47.
  17. Great post except for saying we are "guests". Guests are invited, we are not, as you say "Obviously the Thai bureaucracy is beyond our control".
  18. "Not everybody gets involved with a person whose family needs money, and actually spends yours. What on Earth is that about? Why are you in that situation?" I Have never been asked by any of my wife's family for anything regarding money, although I did make it plain that her money stays hers, and mine stays mine before we agreed to be together. I went out with several Thai girls before I met my wife, although none from the bars, and in some cases It was obvious money was their motivation. The type of farang in most cases who ends up in a family who needs money, is the ugly fat bellied, tattoo covered guy who could not score in his own country, met and married the first good looker he pulled from the bar, and I think most of us know the rest.
  19. CharlieH has got it spot on. This country has bad problems mostly regarding the RTP and the soldiers government. But the good sure outweighs the bad here in Thailand. Unlike in the UK, the Thai government are not going to be responsible for many deaths among it's old folk because of greedy capitalists forcing them to make a choice of either eating or keeping warm.
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