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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. "successful Thai politician" Yes, he certainly is that, and a Liar to boot, just like the other Chuckle Brother and his "there will be no coup" lies, though his being a politician is very questionable.
  2. If it is not then it should be, drinking in public apart from licenced premises is a big no no.
  3. The last week?? It was known at least a year ago. It used to max 5 million baht. Also you can bet it was done for good reason.
  4. How many people in Thailand have their smartphone locked requiring a password to open it? And for those who do, how easy is it for phone certain phone experts to hack into it?
  5. The best sense is to keep the bulk of your savings in a bank in your home country. Thailand is a Banana Republic ruled by an unelected General backed up by over 200 more Generals.
  6. What about the qualifications of the average soldier? They seem to be qualified to be part of a government that is attempting to run a country.
  7. But the 'real' Thai girls are not going to be interested in the old, fat bellied. tattooed, heavy drinking type, are they?
  8. I have had to give them 3 different email addresses because of "security" and I have had the same address for 15 years.
  9. I was late in getting my old passport back when I was in the UK. It had my re entry permit on it. I only had my new one, and had photo's in my phone of my old passport and re entry permit in it. Immigration did not want to know about it and my agent Key visa charged me over 30.000Bt to get it fixed.
  10. My answer would be what would a "Military" anything have to do with any type of education that you would get in the UK? Or any other country for that matter.
  11. "I retired in Thailand knowing all the facts and figures" So did I, but I never thought things would change the way they did through the years. In saying that and compared to the UK today, even allowing for a Junta government, Thailand is a much better place to be than the UK.
  12. Then you haven't walked past any taylor shops in Pattaya. ????
  13. I was in Scotland in May, June and July, even just going to a local shop, I always had to wear a hoody, I bought a thick jumper from a charity shop to wear in the house, not that much rain, but almost every day there was far too much wind, and every night had to sit watching movies and old TV shows on my laptop with a hot water bottle on my lap, putting the electric heater on would have played havoc with my life savings.
  14. In which way? He is much better educated and unlike our unelected PM, is actually a politician, voted in by the public, not a Military Academy educated soldier. ????
  15. If I have brought it up 100 times there is no need to explain anything to you.
  16. The way things are right now in the UK, after my life savings disappeared to pay electricity bills, I am not sure if I could have survived a UK winter.
  17. But much more Cons in the UK than here in Thailand. Council tax, other taxes, and TV licence etc, spring to mind. Also as you have mentioned, rent and fuel costs. So the Cons are much higher in the UK.
  18. Here is something else for you to read, I had a recent 3 month stay in the UK, I had planned for about 6 months, to stay that long my life savings would have dwindled enormously, my electricity cost was a real shock. As soon as the stupid Thai pass and insurance scam was lifted, I booked my flight back to Thailand at four times the cost of my flight from Bangkok. Unless you are very well off financially, and/or have your own home in the UK. I strongly advise you to give the UK one big miss. You may live in a country ruled by an unelected soldier with an average Thai IQ and his Junta, but you are still better off here in Thailand.
  19. Much as I hate Lazada for their disgraceful service, they are the only online company my Bangkok bank debit card will honour. Everything is fine with the likes of Lotus and Big C, but not online.
  20. Yes, but that was in 1965, about five years later I changed it for a Fender Precision.
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