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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I though Pattaya was full of Indians at the moment. If there are 3 or less, then they probably won't be bothering too much about straws.
  2. Just because something is a business there is no excuse for ripping people off, tourists or not.
  3. These bars are at it as well. As a non drinker. I am fed up of places charging rip off prices for non alcoholic drinks, and not just in Thailand.
  4. No you are not wrong. How much would it be for a can of coke id 7-11? About 15Bt? The owner of the cafe was taking the pi$$.
  5. Another reason for keeping you money in your home country and only keep your living expenses here in this Banana Republic with it's low IQ Junta.
  6. Because they give the impression that they want this virus to keep going which then makes certain people much richer. Think about it.
  7. Do you think that the unelected PM and his soldiers would dare to do that?
  8. How much of the 23 million will be used to buy straws and pay one girl to service four of them?
  9. That's interesting, but I bet you are not about 60 Ks from your nearest Makro. As a matter of interest, how do you keep note of all their items and prices?
  10. No. I could never understand why.
  11. I find my local Lotus mini market very bad at that, I regularly summon the checkout girl to an items correct price to point it out, though I am careful not to blame her personally. There are also two 7-11's in my village and I do not recall anything like that happening there.
  12. Yes. Living in Pattaya I would be the same, but when your about 60 Ks from the likes of Makro, Big C, Lotus, you would be buying quite a bit as that is why I use a calculater.
  13. The OP doesn't say if the 5000Bt is for only a day, maybe it could be for a week.
  14. You are right, it is dead money, I take it you are under 50. This is one of the reasons that Thai immigration get things wrong, IMO under fifties get a very raw deal when they want to live in Thailand in the long term. I hope things work out for you.
  15. No problem, it probably is, I am now waiting for the answer to my latest email from them, I am insured as they have taken the money from my bank account.
  16. Yes, My email was answered, and we are swopping emails just now, I am waiting for another reply to one I have just sent. they seem to be avoiding answering why the said my debit card was fraudulent. What is rule #1?
  17. Another helpful poster?? I thought the motorbike forum was for posters to help each other, not to give out stupid emoticans. Get a grip both of you.
  18. I have mastercard on my UK debit card and never had a problem. Only problems with Bangkok Bank with which I cannot solve because of the poor English of the bank staff up here in the Joolies. So I suppose it is not all their fault.
  19. Wouldn't touch her with a bargepole. Looks like a female version of one of these overmuscled monkey men filled with steroids you see in some Gyms.
  20. What about people with unregistered motorbikes. The is one stupid old woman in my village who rides on the wrong side of the road very regularly, she nearly knocked me off my pedal bike. I gave her hell then she chased me with a big stick and tried to hit me with it, so I grabbed it off her and took her reg number and reported it to the police. They could not do anything as the old bat's bike was unregistered.
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