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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I remember some years ago walking down Beach Road, the other side, and was approached by an Indian salesman outside his shop, I tried to walk round him but he physically grabbed me by the arm and I retaliated by pushing him up against the wall. Nobody should ever as much as even touch anyone who is unknown to them, there is never an excuse for it, unless of course they are known to them.
  2. When I am in Pattaya I never go down walking street even in the daytime, most of my walking about is on Beach Road and never after 10pm. I have never approached a working lady, but am approached many times and always pleasant to them. I always only carry about 2000Bt with me in a zipped pocket.
  3. Is the Senators another name for the Generals? There is about 230 Generals, and around 200 Senators, that is an awful lot of unelected people to have a big say in running the country.
  4. I am always giving you Likes and Thanks emo's Ryan, as I nearly always agree with your posts, but not this time. ????
  5. Tattoos are as big as being overweight, and would definitely put me off. One big No! No!
  6. When I was in Bangkok a few months ago before the mask wearing was dropped, I wore a mask for several hours during the afternoon, and my nose was running constantly, In early evening I had the worst runny nose ever and as soon as I got back to my hotel and took the mask off, after a short time my runny nose stopped. After that my mask wearing stopped apart from going into a supermarket, or the MRT with my nose staying uncovered all the time. If ever I feel obliged to wear a mask to save any hard feelings from anyone, my nose will be staying uncovered.
  7. That is true, but it probably is never going to be really over, so I do think that we should all try and get back to some kind of normality.
  8. I wonder how many banks throughout the world have been robbed so easily throughout this pandemic because everyone is wearing masks, and anyone caught on camera anywhere in stores or in the street will not be recognised, it won't take long for criminals to change their clothing. What I am saying is all this mask wearing must be a haven for criminals, and yet I have not read of anyone committing any crimes and getting away with it because everyone is wearing masks. Is the crime statistics deliberately being kept quiet? I mean in general throughout the world.
  9. Maybe all you posters who gave a confused emo for this topic might like to take it back. and also you might like to explain just what you are confused about and give the rest of us a laugh.
  10. I may be wrong, but I think that will only apply to those who are receiving pension credits, and to receive pension credits you must have less than £10.000 in savings.
  11. "However when I returned to Thailand, of course, the reverse case was also true." You mean you told them?? ????
  12. But he is a soldier with a soldiers mentality, not a politician.
  13. No! My hair is nothing like that, it completely covers my ears, a little longer at the back, but not short at the front, and comes down to my eyebrows.
  14. What is a mullet, can you describe it?
  15. As I said, are you a sheep. do you keep doing things because other people do them. ie do you clink glasses when people are drinking at your table just because the rest are doing it? I don't. I just hate it and it makes me cringe. Do you grow a beard because others do it? Even good looking guys have beards these days, there was a time when facial hair was grown mostly because the guys had unattractive faces. Do you wear certain clothes because others wear them? What about hair styles? I have the same hair style now as I had in my thirties and it has never changed. What about you?
  16. Why do I have to keep on setting the English language most times when I log into the Edge browser. Nearly every time I log on it is in the Thai language and I have to keep on resetting it back to English? It is getting to be a nuisance now.
  17. I had a Turkish friend who I met some years ago at the teacher training academy, and be certainly did not have a big nose. I have read about Thais referring to Westerners as the long noses, I certainly do not have a long nose.
  18. Apart from a drunken wife, I have not been badly treated by women, quite the opposite, but with men it has been a very different story. throughout my life, there have been a few men I thought were friends and been let down.
  19. The worst time of my life was when I was in the UK earlier this year. I was terrified what would happen if I could not get back to Thailand. Even though I ate well and slept well I was shocked to find I was down to 73 Ks in weight from my usual 76. I have only reached 76 Ks again a few days ago. If I was forced to stay in the UK through the winter, I would have lost my life savings because of the electricity bills. As soon as the ridicules Thai pass and the insurance scam stopped, I booked a flight and came back to Thailand.
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