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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. You may have a point, how many Thais do you think would like to overthrow the unelected PM here in Thailand and the rest of his Junta? Thailands recent history will tell you about their soldiers murdering protesting students in the past.
  2. and what about the Russian armed forces who are deliberately killing women and children? Aren't they not ordinary Russians?
  3. Neither will hospitals, certain hotels, pharmacies and insurance companies. Oh! wait a minute!!
  4. I had a similar experience to this when a teacher tried to belt me for something I did not do, I refused to hold out my hand, he tried to grab it, so I pushed him up against the wall. I was about 15 at the time.
  5. When teaching in Mattyoms 3 and 4, I did fail these who were very poor. I even got a few blank papers which I just crossed off. I was one of four foreign teachers, the other three were from the UK, US and Australia, the US teacher who was teaching Mattyoms 5 and 6 did tell me that he was told in a sort of roundabout way that he should not fail anyone.
  6. I have taught in both Mattyom and Prathom schools, I did see some violence towards children in the Mattyom schools, but never in the Prathom schools, the teachers in the Prathom schools were always sympathetic and understanding towards the children, and I was surrounded by happiness all the time by both the teachers and the children.
  7. Thailand will never completely open up, too much money to be made for the greedy soldiers government.
  8. I don't understand your first paragraph, could you be more specific? Starting with who are all the people I dislike?
  9. I will swap with you, most times I don't even get the Newsletter, I have been fighting against this for a long long time, I have to keep asking a friendly mod to send me it.
  10. Despite having signed up for the Newsletter with 4 email addresses, the Newsletter only sends me the morning edition sometimes and most times not the afternoon one. Now despite being a member for about 12 years, when a try to sign in to AN on my smartphone they tell me I have the wrong password. I know what my password is, just 6 letters and no capitals, my password is accepted to sign in to both my laptops, and desktop. Now is this incompetence from the AN staff, or am I just unlucky. One of the administrators set me up with a Newsletter on Gmail a few months ago which was ok until recently, now I'm lucky if I get one every few days. Rant over.
  11. "Too much of a money-making opportunity for the hospitals and hotels," It is not utter nonsense, the hospitals and hotels are making a fortune out of this, so if it is utter nonsense as you say, where are all these disgustingly high charges going to? Oh! I know. The soldiers government are putting it all into their off shore accounts, Right??
  12. I am not saying you are wrong, but in both cases going by the news reports, innocent women and children were slaughtered, so there can be n excuse for that.
  13. You have a point there. If I was in the UK armed forces and they decided to invade some country, I would be forced to go along with it, but no way would I aim my gun at innocent people, I would shoot my bullets at empty spaces instead. What is there to stop the Russian people from doing the same? In these circumstances, no one can force you to shoot people.
  14. "it's the millions of russian's who support Putin and his filthy Oligarchs getting richer by the day." and so says the poster who worships the unelected "there will be no coup" PM of Thailand.
  15. I was an innocent Brit when Blair was responsible along the the US president for the atrocities he was responsible for in Iraq, and I would have not been pleased if people abroad started making life difficult for me. I hated the b@st@rd then and hate him now and blame the UK government for not jailing him.
  16. As a UK citizen I have never voted for any major British political party. It has always been the SNP for me, although if I was still living in the UK today I would not vote for them. The reason why would be going off topic, so I will leave it there.
  17. I do get where you are coming from, but let's take America and Iraq as an example, a despot and his soldiers can plan an invasion or coup quite quickly with trained soldiers and weapons, so the ordinary people will be no match for them, and have no time to do anything about it but protest. Then you have Blair, a British PM who was also responsible for the invasion and murder of many innocent people in Iraq. I can assure you that the vast majority of UK citizens like myself condemned Blairs government at the time, but what can the ordinary people do about it? What gets me is why Blair and the American president at that time were not arrested and jailed for what they did, surely the ordinary people could have done something about that. If power and money mad people go against the biggest majority of their countries population, like invasions or coups knew that there was the possibility they could be jailed for a long time after their time of rule is finished, then they might think again about their actions in the future.
  18. "Are the soldiers held at gunpoint to join the army?" For the countries who still have compulsary national service. then the answer is yes. ie, if protesters here in Thailand storm the government after the pandemic finishes to get rid of the unelected PM, if Thailands history is anything to go by, then you can bet the soldiers will use guns on them.
  19. "Not that I condone any of his actions, but it would be wise to consider all points of views before pointing fingers." There is no excuse for anyone invading a country and murdering innocent women and children. End of story.
  20. There is no excuse for any country in the world to invade any other country against the will of that other countries people, especially if they are killing innocent people like women and children as the news reports say the Russians have been doing. Just remember, you cannot blame the ordinary Russian people for what that despot Putin is responsible for.
  21. I wonder how many farangs are blaming their wives for a bunch of tinpot soldiers backed up by guns overthrowing a democracy elected government here in Thailand.
  22. I was going to give you a like until I saw these words ".... what the fornicate?" I just don't understand this, I apologise if you are not an English Native Speaker.
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