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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Yes, it's about time the unelected PM and his junta did something about this. Can't he instruct the police Maj/Gens, and Lt/Cols to get their men off their backsides and do something about this? OH! Wait! Brown envelopes spring to mind again.
  2. Are you a retiree? Do you travel out of the country anytime? Are you a tourist under 50 who wants to stay long time in Thailand? If you are a retiree who just lives a quiet life in Thailand then I don't suppose it will bother you too much even if the next Thai adult who walks past your house becomes the next PM, he/she will probably have much the same mentality.
  3. Gilbert O'Sullivan was dreadful, terrible voice and song writing ability. How he had any hits I just cannot understand. "Oh Wakka doo Wakka day?? What does that mean?? Is that what one would call song writing ability?? As for his singing, I've heard a better noise flushing the toilet.
  4. They would have major protests in the streets if it was not for the unelected PM's soldiers and guns.
  5. DPM Prawit claims Prayut may be able to stay on as Thai PM for 2 more years In that case god help us all. That is all we need, a continuing Junta in this Banana Republic of Thailand.
  6. A very sensible post, but I still think the owners should have been more responsible and thought about the customers as well as the profits.
  7. The unelected PM and his junta spring to mind again.
  8. As long as the unelecterd PM, the other Chuckle Brother and the rest his Junta are there, that will be the case.
  9. I think you will find that the truth is "Gathering outside is forbidden" as it could be dangerous for getting rid of unelected PM's and illegal governments.
  10. Probably, the unelected PM will have his soldiers and guns at the ready.
  11. Are there any properly qualified sparkies in Isaan? I live in central Thailand in a small town, my wife has lived in it all her life, she only knows one sparkie and he is always busy, so in the meantime the main sockets in the kitchen are not working so when anyone in the house is cooking I have run a junction box from another outlet in the kitchen to the cooking area. Fortunately we have a bottled gas cooker. It would seem that qualified sparkies are very few and far between in Thailand.
  12. Common sense and the unelected PM and his soldiers are not compatable.
  13. Perry Como was my favourite when I was in primary school and Elvis was just starting out.
  14. Both him and Tom Jones had the same manager though.
  15. The guy could sing, no doubt about that. Would put the likes of Peltin Elton to shame.
  16. You have a good point there. Tom Jones was a carbon copy of PJ Proby and not half as good. Although Englebert was born in India, as was Cliff Richard, I think it is safe to say that that he was probably the best British singer. PJ Proby was/is American and almost up there with Elvis and Roy Orbison.
  17. Englebert Humperdinick is/was a much better singer than Tom Jones.
  18. and how much has the unelected PM's fortunes risen since when he said, "there will be no coup" in 2014??
  19. So the army is an effective Thai government then??
  20. Victory over who?? Unarmed students?
  21. "The government you have is the government you deserve!" Really?? and just who deserves a shower of soldiers with probably the same low Thai IQ to just walk in with guns behind them and put a demotrically elected government out of office, stayed for eight years and still counting, and never put themselves up for an election apart from with 200 odd Generals and such like??
  22. Just get the soldiers with their guns instead of wasting time with an election commission.
  23. If you take away the dangerous road behaviour then Thailand is very safe.
  24. Princess Anne moved to NZ?? ????
  25. I have already emailed the Forum staff about this and had no answer. Why can I not get replies to my posts by email? I have ticked all the boxes asking for emails, but that doesn't work. I like to see all the Likes, Saddo's and Quotes to my posts but it has all stopped.
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