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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Would that not be a bit like blaming ordinary Thais for the incompetence of the unelected soldier posing as their PM?
  2. "after they have finished their one bottle of chang anyway." Bet they didn't forget their straws. ????
  3. "but I'm not comfortable dropping 400k in a Thai bank." I wouldn't be either, but hope everything works out for you.
  4. Thanks. I have tried that in their website and there is no help, what I will do is get the app and try that, you have underlined it well.
  5. Can anyone please tell me how I can get in touch with Amazon.co.uk?
  6. "For 2 years they've done nothing for ordinary people," 2 years??????????????? Call that 8 years.
  7. I didn't think they had any concerns for your health or well being. Only the ££££££££s.
  8. Everyone should keep in mind especially tourists. If you do not have enough money on your person, they cannot get what you haven't got.
  9. Are you saying you had a live chat only a couple of weeks ago? I tried that, they only had answers to their own questions, none of which applies to me. This has nothing to do with any purchases, it is to do with membership of Prime, they charged me for it by their own mistake which they have admitted to. They used to have a proper chatline similar to Lazada which they have done away with.
  10. None of that applies to me at all, and yes, I do have an account with Amazon, they owe me £199.75 and have offered to refund me, now they have gone all quiet, as I asked them to refund back into my bank account. I want to be able to contact them and find out how they intend to refund me.
  11. No, it says this email was sent from a notification only address, and I am expecting something from Amazon.
  12. I need to contact Amazon.co.uk. I have tried to answer an important email from them, they have not answered me back. I cannot find a way to ask them why they won't answer my email, they have answered me before now it has all gone quiet. They say they cannot accept incoming emails and not to apply to this message. Does anyone know how I can contact them? Another email address maybe? Thanks.
  13. Why emphasis "Thai" husband?? Is Thailand the only country in the world with lying, bragging, drunken worthless husbands?
  14. As I am always saying, the Thai government are mostly just soldiers with a soldiers mentality, as they are not an elected government they should not be voting at any UN meetings. The whole world should be a democracy, and any country that disagrees should not be allowed anywhere near UN meetings. I am referring to countries that invade other countries or who forms coups to put an elected government out of office. Thailand is one such country.
  15. but just watch Villa Market, they can really go over the top with some prices.
  16. This is one poster I hardly ever agree with, but he has got it right this time.
  17. Don't be scared to tell them, but before you do, just make sure that you are 100% correct.
  18. What would you do if you were accused of being on a 25 day overstay when you were only doing a 90 day report? I was, although the boss sorted it out.
  19. I have done that twice after giving two IO's some verbal, and got satisfaction both times. Don't be scared of any of these IO's behind the counter, but do talk in a pleasant manner when you see the boss.
  20. "Such important International crisis and the Thai government stays quiet." That's because they just don't know what to do. What else do you expect from a bunch of tinpot soldiers who took the country at gunpoint. They don't have the intelligence or education to run a country, ie their health minister only has a degree in engineering. The PMs education was at a Military Academy. Need I say more?
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