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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. "did not start until after he was voted in." Voted in???? Don't you mean appointed?? Appointed by other Generals and such.
  2. Near where I stay you have Nakhon Sawan which has a good transport system with baht buses at 10 Bt, then go about 140Ks north and there is Phitsanulok which has or had a very poor local transport system. I suppose it just depends on the city.
  3. If any law is unfair and no court will help you then Yes! You take the law into your own hands if you think you can get away with it.
  4. Being addressed by an unelected PM with only a Military Academy education and a low IQ like other ordinary Thai's would be enough to put real politicians off.
  5. "even if some thing happen that is not related to your heart." That is ridiculous. No wonder insurance companies get a bad name.
  6. He would need to be legally in power in the first place, and he and his soldiers are certainly not that. As long as he has his soldiers and guns he will be the unelected PM for as long as he wants.
  7. Doesn't work.
  8. Will do thanks.
  9. Yes. This has been done. Still cannot get IDM on Opera.
  10. Anyone know how I can get IDM to work on my Opera browser? My IDM is the paid version and works well with Edge, Brave and Chrome. so why not Opera? Should I just use a different downloader for Opera, if so, which one? I have only ever used IDM. Had it since my early computer days.
  11. Yes. Nashville, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas. great experience, felt safe the whole time.
  12. I have driven over Tennessee, Los Angeles, up and down the PCH, between Mexico and San Francisco, las Vegas etc, and it has been the best driving experience of my life, yet I cannot even ride my motorbike between my village and the nearest town which is only 15 Ks away without seeing dangerous driving and riding incidents. Riding on the wrong side of the road, getting cut up by vehicles overtaking me then doing a left hand turn, coming through a stop signs when they should be giving way etc, etc, etc.
  13. There is a teaching academy for police officers in Nakhon Sawan. Apart from collecting some sort of tea money, I wonder what they teach them. It is certainly not anything about upholding law and order.
  14. Is this not a ploy to stop the protesters gathering in Bangkok again?
  15. Let's just stick to General.
  16. A you calling the unelected PM a politician??
  17. Thai advisors?? They will have about the same IQ as he has. Foreign advisors?? Don't tell me they teach foreign languages at a Military Academy.
  18. Really! You sure wouldn't think it the way they carry on.
  19. The unelected PMs soldier government is just one big soap opera in itself.
  20. Election time?? What election time?? The unelected PM and his soldiers do not need an election while they have soldiers and guns. regards possum
  21. By Thai Newsroom Reporters "A PROMINENT ACADEMIC has reminded all MPs of the basic principle that they all have been elected as representatives of the people and not the powers that be." Someone should emphasis this to the unelected PM, the other Chuckle Brother, Anutin, and his soldiers of that fact.
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