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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Not just Thailand. It's a world wide thing now and is made worse because of the pandemic.
  2. Your link is not working, but I am not sure I believe this poll anyway.
  3. I take your point in what you have said, but it is well past the time the country should be opening up. this Junta wants these restrictions and insurance scams to continue for their own financial ends.
  4. Sorry took post off as it is off topic. I should have realised that the topic is only about how countries are handling the pandemic.
  5. When I first came here in 2005, although there was the 90 day reporting, you had the choice of putting the 800.000Bt in the bank, or making a border run every 90 days. I was happy with the border runs as it was a less than 200Ks to Maesot which was a very pleasant motorbike or car run every 90 days. I feel cheated now as everything has changed for the worse. There is no way I would come here if I could turn the clock back.
  6. "How many commenting on here had a bike license in their own country?" I had HGV, and PSV licenses as well as a car license in my own country and had motorbikes for a few years, and did not bother with a motorbike license as I did not think with my driving experience I should need one.
  7. So you are covered then? May I should keep a score here, what's that now. 3 no's 1 yes. I will leave the if's and but's out of it though.
  8. So you are not covered then, I thought as much.
  9. Does anyone know if a person on a motorcy taxi is injured in an accident and needs to have hospital treatment will have to pay for it their self, or are they covered by the motorcy's insurance, if any?
  10. He could get a job as a circus midget along with the other Chuckle Brother and their clowns, only downside is I have never heard of any circuses in Thailand.
  11. It has been stated by a poster who lived on that road that it is a private road. Forget about this incident just for a moment. Are vehicles allowed to drive or ride on a private road without the vehicles been registered or the drivers not having a license or insurance?
  12. Really? What speed was the MB riding at? Would the fact that the rider broke both his arms not indicate that he was riding far too fast.
  13. Yes, the buggy driver was at fault, but I would like to know approximately what speed the MB was doing. I am keeping in mind it is in a mooban. Is a mooban the same as a gated community? Sorry for my ignorance here.
  14. They don't carry insurance?? So what were they doing on the road. Was it a public road? Is the golf buggy not supposed to be for use on the golf course? Was the golf buggy registered for use on public roads? If not, then the book should be thrown at it's driver. I have never been in a mooban, so not sure if they are public roads or not.
  15. and what about the insurance scams? Will they do away with them when the 300Bt entry into Thailand starts as it is supposed to help with these insurance claims? I know, silly question.
  16. They will, the more the better, and the best of luck to them, as long as they do it peacefully.
  17. I have lived in Thailand for 14 years, had lots of tradesmen over the years doing work of some sort, never had a problem with any until last year when two guys came to fix leak in AC, it started leaking again after about 2 hours so had to get another AC engineer to fix it which he did successfully.
  18. I am no political expert, but I am sure that if there was a general election tomorrow, this unelected soldier posing as a PM and the rest of the Junta would be voted out of office over and over again. But as I said, I am no political expert so I have no idea who would take over, but any political party would be better than this lot.
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