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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. "Mr Anutin, who is also deputy prime minister," Should it not be he is also "a" DPM? I understand he is one of six DPM's. or have I read it wrong? There is another one that I know of, he has a long funny name that no one could possibly remember.
  2. One more thing, a Thai on his/her own should never be allowed to have complete discretion, that is one big recipe for disaster.
  3. You should be able to follow instructions, but one IO's instructions may differ from the other, even in the same office.
  4. Yes, they just want you to keep buying medicine even when it is obvious the dog is going to die.
  5. Not in my experience, they just keep giving you medicine all the time when they know your pet is going to die. I think they use Buddhism as an excuse for making more money. I always thought that Vets loved animals, but in Thailand it seems they love money much more.
  6. I went to a festival last night with my wife, my eardrums were suffering from the extra loud noise of someone speaking through the sound system and also the very loud bass sound. We left after she put her basket in the river. It was anything but blissful.
  7. I don't think that compulsary insurance will ever be dropped, it is too big a moneymaker.
  8. I would not be surprised, the Thai government is full of Generals, so why not DPMs? The whole lot of them are just one big laughing stock. ???? ????
  9. It seems that the Thai media don't know who the guy posing as the DPM really is, is Anutin the DPM or is it the other guy with the long funny name? If they are not sure, it must mean that both of the Chuckle Brothers are not sure themselves. They are supposed to be running the country are they not? How can they run the country if they cannot even run themselves. So just out of curiosity I will ask, just who is the DPM? It cannot be both of them unless they are taking turns about.
  10. I have subscribed to Lazada. maybe I should have said I want to use the app on my phone, I deal with lazada all the time on my desktop.
  11. Maybe the fact that I tried to install it several times in the last few weeks without success has something to do with it.
  12. There is no "Cogwheel" in my version of the app, there is not even a box to select "English". It is OK for Rob to say "it is hard for Possum". But when I get told to click on a certain box, whether a poster tells me, or I Google it, most of the time the box I should click on is just not there. My attitude to that is "what do you expect, it's a computer".
  13. Yes I tried the 3 fingers down the screen, that's OK for the phone.
  14. There you go Steven, no answer. I rest my case.
  15. Your first question, no, there is nothing on the app asking them, I do log in to the app, but as I said, I click on the cart after ordering and a phone number comes up. Lazada should have all my details.
  16. I am a member, but there is no function on the app, the one I have anyway, to sign in.
  17. I will ask you the same question that I have asked other posters and no one seems to want to answer, a straight yes or no will do. Was this guy elected by the Thai electorate? Answer please, but only when you are sober.
  18. Don't know how to, sorry for my ignorance.
  19. He was elected???? By whom?? Certainly not the Thai electorate. Where have you been hiding?
  20. Yes, that's the way it should be, but when I pick my item and click on the cart, all I get is a phone number, why the hell should I use a phone number? I have been using Lazada for years, so why all this nonsense with their app? And talking about apps, it has taken me a few weeks to even get it due to some problem.
  21. That's what happens when you have an unelected goon posing as a PM.
  22. Can anyone please tell me how to order using the Lazada app? I tried to google it and the instructions just don't add up, I can see things I would like to order but nothing to click on.
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