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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. "He also suggested that Thai people should exercise". Well he and the other Chuckle Brother sure don't look like they exercise.
  2. Well he's right about one thing, many countries will be keeping an eye on Thailand as they know his government is illegal, and that he himself took the country at gunpoint over 7 years ago.
  3. It's a long story and I don't feel like printing it all down. lets say it is to do with improvements made to the house before I bought it 15 years previously.
  4. The baddest thing I ever done, or should I say one of them, I would do it again under the same circumstances. When I sold my house to a woman, she done me out of £1000. So I locked all the double glazed windows, then after the cheque was in my hands, I threw away the keys instead of giving them to her. The estate agent kept chasing me for them. Then a short time after I was driving past the house I noticed she had replaced the windows, it must have cost her thousands. I sure felt happy that day.
  5. Yes, but Thailand is not most countries. How many other countries in the world have an illegal government apart from Burma?
  6. Thank goodness I keep the bulk of my money in my UK bank, hand over 800.000 to my bank for retirement extns?? I don't think so.
  7. The other Chuckle Brother was probably refused entry into Switzerland for being part of an illegal government, and were just looking for an excuse to keep him out.
  8. "Mass illiteracy of even basic laws is frightening, even adults act like village idiots." Thailand does not have a low IQ for nothing.
  9. "I expect they will get a nice commission from the private hospitals". and then the brown envelopes will start moving in a certain direction.
  10. Tourists, stay away from Thailand for now, this unelected soldier who is posing as a PM is out to skin you at every opportunity along with the rest of his soldiers.
  11. Makro, their pork, not Cumberland sausages, are quite good, but not as good as the Richmond ones in the UK.
  12. "Normally the advice would be to ask his doctor and not to ask on a forum like this". I understand that, but it is also helpful to get peoples experience of things.
  13. I would not trust anyone who is shameful enough to overcharge for any treatment or prevention for a pandemic which has cost many life's and livelihoods. I am not saying all doctors do this, but it is obvious many do.
  14. That's one of the differences between a country which is run by soldiers without a decent education, and countries run by democratically elected politicians.
  15. I know the one you mean, my wife used to do it.
  16. I know the one you mean, it is a very reputable agent, and it was nowhere as bad as you are making out, a lot of miss reporting.
  17. No, about three years ago he was closed on Mondays, the person in the next shop told me, after I had come to see Nick on two Mondays.
  18. No it's not, but Thailand does have about the worst road statistics in the world, there is a reason for that, I see it everyday during my cyclist exercise.
  19. The brains of the average working class Scot is "My father voted Labour so I must vote labour". Although there is more of a swing to the SNP now. I have voted SNP all my life, but if I lived in Scotland now I certainly would not, the reason for that would be too controversal on this forum.
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