Maybe Homo's should stay away from other guys in a toilet especially one where there is no one else, there would be no need for anyone to be Homophobic if these people would just keep their goings on behind closed doors.
Nothing further happened, but that's only because I am in Thailand, if it happened in the UK I would have lamped him, then I would not have to worry about prison.
One day I walked into a public toilet and noticed a guy standing at the entrance, I thought nothing of it and just walked to a urinal, the guy immediately appeared at a urinal next to me, there were no other guys at any other urinal.
What sort of behaviour would you call that?
Yes Trans thats what the DWP say, but they can say anything they want. The state pension is not a benefit, it is an entitlement which has been paid for. Although the UK government steals these annual increases from us, they cannot truthfully say they are a benefit, but when is the UK government ever truthful?
What about MP's and their "expenses"? Accepting full wages while doing two or more jobs like lawyers, company directors etc. Mortgages paid on second homes, all sorts of traveling expenses etc, etc, etc.
Hypocrites, the lot of them.
I came to live in Thailand a good few years before I was of pension age and I never knew about not getting these annual increases until after I was settled in Thailand and living up country, and not going to bars as I am a non drinker meant not meeting many British ex pats.
I have lived in Thailand for 19 years, been to Pattaya many times although always back in hotel about 11pm. Never had a problem with anyone, though I don't drink or frequent bars.