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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. So if an Indian guy asks for a full pint then four straws will come with it? 😃
  2. Unlike the females the Thai males are not known for their looks, so your last sentence would be about right.
  3. I would not say that every Thai riding a motorbike is not intelligent. But the biggest majority certainly aren't. Here's a thought, what is the difference between being intelligent and having common sense.
  4. If anyone with a thick beard or big mouser sat next to me I would get up and leave. I would say that guys who covers part of their face must have something to hide.
  5. I would say there are a lot more cowards in Thailand than violent people, apart from the weapons thing about 95% of Thai guys need backup behind them before there is any attempt at violence on anyone.
  6. A massage from a man???? I cannot think of anything worse.
  7. I have been involved in a few assaults on guys back in the UK, Mainly for threatening me with violence but never in Thailand probably because as a non drinker I do not frequent bars where back in the UK I did, for various reasons. I have often pulled up guys in Thailand for queue jumping, but none of them have retaliated in any way probably because I was a big fit looking guy. I have read lots of times about Thai guys only fighting when the odds are in their favour but never been involved.
  8. Brilliant Charlie. Thanks.
  9. Watch and not trample on all the spittals on the pavements, and especially do not go into an all you can eat buffet.
  10. I read somewhere that two out of every three adult males in Thailand use prostitutes in some form. Another thing, it is as hard to find a good looking Thai male as it is to find an unattractive Thai female.
  11. You missed out the fat, ugly, big bellied, big titted guys. These guys will always have money. It is the only way they will ever get sexual services, and even that is pushing it a bit. 😄
  12. I can walk the streets of Bangkok and Pattaya after dark without fear. I could not do that in Glasgow or any other big city in the UK.
  13. There is a lot more in every way and especially financially. I am not going to explain it all, but just say that I will not put the required funds into a Thai bank, although I could afford to. I think you get the drift. As for it being a terrorist thing, surely it is very easy to compare the looks of a western person to a terrorist.
  14. Both the UK and Thailand have done very bad things against the ordinary people, but the big difference is that the UK is by far the greater of the two evils.
  15. No 1 Don't agree. Any Thai person who has come to do any work on my property in the last 18 Years have never let me down. No2 Agree wholeheartedly.
  16. For a start, we are not guests here, not retirees anyway, we are treated the way a criminal in your own country is, reporting every 90 days, just like a criminal on parole and before you tell me if I don't like it to go home, when I moved here there was no compulsary 90 day reporting, just a nice pleasant drive to the border for a stamp in your passport every 90 days.
  17. Is there anyway to get the wording in the AN/TV Newsletter just a little bit bigger? Thanks.
  18. There is an even bigger criminal walking the streets of Thailand. This one stole the country in an illegal coup and kept the Premiership for nine years against the wishes of the majority of the Thai people backed up by soldiers, guns and tanks. He makes Thaksin look like a choirboy.
  19. He should never have been there in the first place.
  20. What a dreadful singer, Makes Peltin Elton sound like Elvis.
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