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Posts posted by NoshowJones

  1. 5 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    It started long before that.

    Did it not get gradually worse since the soldiers staged an illegal coup in 2014. the baht got stronger and is only recently starting to get weaker. These soldiers have a lot to answer for and their leader is prancing about a free man, while many are shouting for Thaksin to be ojailed. At least Thaksin was elected by the electorate as was his sister and the country was a lot better then than it is now.

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  2. 22 hours ago, Will B Good said:

    I could have a distorted perspective thinking about…….the ones who stick out look like they have used 'Cherry Black' boot polish with dubbin…..maybe there are loads that are so good I never notice they have dyed hair….????…..maybe I’ll try it….555

    Is it not the case that rather than dye your hair black, you should beware of dyeing you hair black if your skin tone is not dark.

    The older Thai politicians all dye their hair black because they have dark skin.

  3. 11 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

    I'm in your boat too - even longer on motorcycles here and in the Philippines, but I never boast about it as that could be the day I have a bad accident LOL. You're brave.


    I did have a bad accident in Australia though, in my 20s (lots of bones broken), and whacked my knee on a car door in the Philippines about 21 years ago.


    The problem is that people use statistics to determine their risk, but they are not valid for individuals. I'm sure you'd be quite insulted if someone suggested your risk is the same as a 16-year-old school kid riding without a helmet, 3 or 4 up,... or the same as drunk riders late at night and speeding, without helmets... or the same as some tourist that rented a motorcycle and doesn't have a clue how to ride or where he is going, and quite likely riding on the wrong side of the road from their perspective.


    The sheer number of motorcycles on the road exaggerates the danger. Since I have been riding in Pattaya I've always been amazed at how few motorcycle accidents I witness. Of course, every time someone dies, it's reported because they need something to fill up the newspapers.

    I am certainly not boasting about it, I am only saying that it does not have to be the death trap people seem to make it to be.

  4. 12 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

    Whilst I agree Thailand was in better hands with Thaksin than the military I don't see that  going back to the old ways is going to help Thailand.

    They really do need some fresh ideas and move forward... hint intended

    Probably so, I cannot say too much about Thaksin as he was near enough in his last two years when I came to stay in Thailand, But I sure wish Thailand was the same now as it was then, all the expats I knew then were all content. There are none left I can talk to now as they have all either left or died.

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  5. On 3/9/2024 at 11:57 PM, Keep Right said:

    I would never get on a motorbike in Thailand, it is a death-wish.

    If you have genuine common sense and good motorbike experience, and watch and act on other riders stupidity and be aware of what is going on around you, never speed or be in a hurry, you have a very reasonable chance of not being involved in any accidents.

    I have been riding here in Thailand for the last 18 years and never had an accident, and I'm sure there are many other farangs in the same boat. If you are stopped at traffic lights or getting close to them, try and get yourself in a situation where no drivers can ram you from behind.

    • Agree 1
  6. 5 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    Soon, after Yingluck is back in the fold and the Thaksin trio take over.

    At least Thaksin and Yingluck were elected by the Thai electorate, and Thaksins daughter has several university degrees. Not like a certain ex PM who only had a Military Academy education and probably an average low Thai IQ.

  7. On 3/11/2024 at 11:36 AM, Bangkok Barry said:

    I wrote a few weeks ago about my eye problems and Thailand's Top optician being unable to correct it with new glasses. I received some excellent advice amongst the usual irrelevant comments.


    As a result of the excellent advice I attended a private hospital for a proper test, where I was told I had cataracts in both eyes and glaucoma in one. Surgery could be done on the cataracts for 25,000 a time. Okay. But I would need to stay overnight (extra charge of course but free food and dark glasses included :smile::unsure:).


    A two-minute Google check revealed every single entry saying that no overnight stay is required. USA, UK, Australia. Nowhere. A friend in Scotland had it done, with tea and biscuits after and then home. In New Zealand, a friend took his father to be seen, in and out in three hours including recovery time. 


    So I went to see a doctor who has a clinic in Kalasin and who works at the government hospital there. He confirmed the cataracts and said I didn't have glaucoma and my eye pressure was normal. You'd think a government hospital would charge less, but he wanted 20,000 plus an extra 5000 for him. And he also said I needed to stay overnight.


    What makes cataract surgery so dangerous in Thailand that instead of going home straight away as you do in the rest of the world we have to stay in hospital overnight for observation, I wonder. I guess the answer has to begin with M or maybe B. It's the same thing. And it seems I'll have no alternative but to give in to the system.


    Then I have to get a third opinion, somehow, on whether I have glaucoma or not.

    Cash registers spinning in heads and foreigners spring to mind here.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Chongalulu said:

    Thank you for confirming suspicions of the low level of your mentality ”dude” (sic) (another giveaway). To Sink to your level - your girlfriend does that because she closes her eyes and recalls the time it was mine during that time you were away. I'm glad to have helped you out in any way I could... ”dude”.

    Please don't reply until you've raised your IQ to double figures..

    I wonder how good your IQ is going by your recent posts.

    • Agree 2
  9. 19 hours ago, n00dle said:

    username checks out.


    I'm not certain many here understand the potential Pandora's box that has been opened. i am not alarmist, nor am i prone to conspiracy theories but I can sometimes see patterns or a bigger picture.

    its not about I'm a good boy, why would they come for me.  it's about understanding the circumstances under which they could change your life if it went that far.     


    The whole Swiss guy thing has now become a rallying point for an us vs them dialogue that can only damage what already seems to be a fragile status quo. 

    As a political tool, laying a groundwork of mutual dislike and distrust could pave the way for a government that has already significantly undermined expats here with its new tax laws to make life even more difficult. 

    Whats next?   

    Surely the government understands that foreign expats have and still are keeping some Thai families out of poverty, also I read a few years ago that two out of three Thai male adults use prostitution in some form. What would these Thai men think if they saw expats being deported for using prostitutes?

  10. 20 hours ago, impulse said:


    Not aimed at you specifically because I don't know you.  But be careful what you wish for, lest they start deporting people for paying women for sex and for dodging taxes.  Not to mention the guys who have to use visa agents, (not the ones who just choose to use them, the ones that have to).


    If they enforced those with deportation, the ranks of foreigners would thin quite a bit.


    Quite a bit???? A very very big bit. I would rather leave the country than trust any Thai bank with 800,000 Bt of my savings. They did not reduce

    the 5 million Bt safety net to 1 Million for no good reason. It is obviously a "just in case" in the Thai governments mind.

    • Like 1
  11. 18 hours ago, Dolf said:

    Most foreign guys have a big nose, balding, fat and rather ugly. They mostly marry ex bargirls.

    I must be one of the minority then. I do not have a big nose. I am not balding, I am not fat and not ugly. I married a university graduate. Definitely not

    a typical foreign guy. I bet there are lots of foreign guys here in Thailand like me, only not living in Pattaya.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. On 3/9/2024 at 8:17 AM, Nick Carter icp said:


       So your Wife had the average weight of al a 11 year old girl when you met her (39 kilos)  and now she weights 50 KG, which is the average weight of a 14 year old ?

    You are talking about weight, but what about height? My wife is over 60Ks. but she is 5ft 9ns tall with a figure to match. ie an 11 year old girl at 39Ks.

    What about a 30 year old Thai girl at an average Thai height of 5 ft 1 or 2 ins? would 39Ks be out of place?

  13. On 3/8/2024 at 12:17 PM, NoshowJones said:

    As long as the young girls that you refer to are not underage then I do not see the problem. I have never paid a barfine in my life, but I say it is up to any person themselves to do with their bodies as they like as long as no one is forced to do anything against their will.

    Imagine getting a saddo emo for disagreeing with underage sex, and saying people should not be forced to to anything against their will?? You will get the odd nutter on any forum, but that??

    • Haha 1
  14. 2 hours ago, RandiRona said:

    You are right, most races look alike. Since they wear same garb and behave/operates in same way , they all look similar so look alikes are very common.

    also Pakistani/ Muslim grooming gang is a reality in UK. 



    in my opinion Pakistan is a nuisance state and should be banned till they stop sponsoring terrorism and clean their act.

    Thanks, these links are very interesting, I hope some other posters read them.

    • Like 1
  15. 18 hours ago, RandiRona said:

    In another news, flight from Middle East with look alikes and same name Abdul and are each other’s first sibling landed in Thailand with the same mission.

    What about the Muslims? Most of them have the same name, starts with "M" and with the facial hair. There was a photo from a UK paper not that long ago showing 6 Muslims charged with offences against women, all lookalikes. What about the Sikhs? All with these towel things on their heads and plenty of facial hair, much more lookalikes than the 2 UK guys. I am not trying to be racist here, just pointing things out.

    • Sad 1
    • Thanks 2
  16. 1 hour ago, DjSilver said:

    You do know Thailand is known as "LOS" aka Land Of Scammers?

    "LOS" also stands for Land of Stupidity, there are very much more Thai people with a lack of intelligence than scammers.

    You are probably referring to tourist areas, where I live upcountry I don't come across scammers but see plenty of underage motorbike riders, and the driving and riding is absolutely dreadful, but go to a tourist area anywhere in the world and you will find plenty of scammers.

  17. 5 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    Try to take your own cart to the street where other vendors are present.

    They will explain to you very quickly that above is not true.


    It will never happen that there won't be street vendors. There is just too much money to be made for all those influential people.


    There is nothing wrong with street vendors unless they are forcing people off the pavements and on to the roads like on lower Sukhumvit odd Soi's a few years ago. Let the food vendors go where there is wide pavements and there should not be a problem.

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