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Posts posted by NoshowJones

  1. 4 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    From his tone, a sleazebag. The type that likes talking over someone else.


    I don't disagree with proving to someone they made a bad choice in stiffing me. I prefer to do it legally.

    I understand that and each to his own, I have always lived by screw or cheat me and there will be consequences. If you are done wrong then report it to the authorities, if they don't sort it then you do it yourself.

    I have lived that way all my life and do not have any criminal record.

  2. 2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    As soon as a mechanic strips down the engine, the company will know what caused the engine failure, and who did it.

    Stupid post.

    Although I agree mostly with your posts, not this time, if anyone gives me bad service or tries to screw me over in any way, the first thing I do is look for some form of revenge.

  3. 14 hours ago, steven100 said:

    slightly OT ... when getting ATM cash using your foreign debit card do you pay a conversion fee ?  reason I ask is I made a 10k baht withdrawal, and was charged the usual 220 baht here, but also $13 conversion fee by my bank ( or building society actually )  so the 10k cost 520 baht ....


  4. 4 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    If they are Indian, for sure a discussion will turn into an argument that you can never end......you have to hit them, fast and hard, before you lose the will to live. 


    (Note... For the trolls and woke, this is a bit of fun and not to be taken seriously.)

    Not long after I first came to Thailand I was walking down Beach Road when I passed an Indian tailors shop, the guy at the door said something to me, I ignored him and tried to walk on, he then grabbed my arm in a very aggressive way, I grabbed him and put him up against the wall and just stopped myself from landing him one. It was him who was the lucky man.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

    Wow, funny... I have never been chased by 'Eastern Europeans'.... hmmm... 

    Which city is that. i was back in Glasgow for a few weeks a few years ago, was walking up Victoria Road when 4 of them were walking towards me, they started shouting and 2 of them walked fast towards me shouting at me. I ran very fast away from them.

  6. 7 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

    I was an enlisted sailor on the USS ENTERPRISE (CVN 65). Before pulling in to any foreign port, we were gathered and the fear of gawd was impressed upon us. We were reminded we were ambassadors of the US and any aberrant behavior would result in double jeopardy. The host country would enforce their punishment then the Navy would enforce THEIR punishment on top.


    How would YOU feel if folks came to your home country and behaved like this?

    What is worse, pulling down a flag, or making big cities in the UK unsafe to walk the streets at night, I have experienced this personally having to run for safety because of getting chased by Eastern Europeans?

    • Thanks 1
  7. 22 hours ago, zhounan said:

    If I were smart I would never have come to Thailand.

    I made three journeys back home after meeting my wife before I decided to stay here, all the farangs I met were happy and recommended staying here, no compulsary 90 day reports, no having to see agents  for immigration purposes.

    Now look at it, I am alone with no farang friends nearby, they have either died or moved away. Yes I am bitter at how so many immigration situations have changed mostly for the worst.

    But all is not lost as my wife is still the same loving person I met here 18 years ago.

  8. I could knock out a tune on the piano at 5 years old and went on to be a professional musician playing bass, keyboards and doing vocals in various pop  and country and western bands. Also got HGV, PSV and Taxi licenses because I had loads of spare time during the day, like the OP I was only average at school and never done any homework.

    But ask me to do any manual work or even simple DIY around the house, I am entirely hopeless.

  9. On 3/2/2024 at 8:58 PM, Lacessit said:

    I'm here because I have a much better standard of living than I would in Australia.

    If I was to win a large lottery, I would still be here, although I might move around Asia a bit more.

    I would have no interest in going back to Australia even if I was rich. Too many nanny-state rules, fat women, boring.

    I feel the same way about the UK, as for nanny state rules, if you don't like them or disagree with them then don't obey them, try and find a way round them, you usually can. Well I could. 😄

  10. On 3/2/2024 at 4:16 PM, WhatMeWorry said:

    So very, very true bkk6060. I have a friend that was just admitted to a Thai government hospital with a stoke. He could not afford a private hospital. He is 88 years old living on SS. He has no will and lives with a caretaker. There is no way to access a little bit of money that he has in an investment account. The hospital wants to get paid. So his caretaker is trying to figure out a way for her to get his money to pay the hospital, marriage or a fake marriage certificate.


    Why is it that some expats get themselves in these situations?

    Because insurance companies give you such lousy deals, and it is probably the case that at 88 years old his insurance was cancelled years ago. If insurance companies were not so greedy there would be far more older expats who were insured.

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