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Posts posted by NoshowJones

  1. I bought a Philips PQ206 electric shaver about 4 years ago from Lazada, I have replaced the blades before bought from Lazada. Although they still sell the same model of shaver, they don't sell the blades now.

    Anyone know where I can buy the blades?


  2. 18 minutes ago, Polar Bear said:


    Thai's cabin allowance is 7kg for the carry-on and 1.5kg for the personal item/laptop bag.




    Most airlines have boxes/cages to check the size of carry on. They have them at check in and at boarding, though most won't bother to use them unless they suspect your bag is oversized. 

    However, KLM check-in staff do have tape measures as well. For checked baggage, they have a linear maximum (158 cm in total - length + width + height). I have a sports bag that was custom-made to fit their sizing. It's 156 cm total. They usually check and always seem disappointed to find it fits. 

    That really answers my question, now suppose your carry on case does not fit and is just a few Mts bigger. If you look at Lazada, they say that any case you buy could could be a little over or under the size you ask for.

    If your case was just that little over their sizing and did not fit. What would they do?

  3. On 4/4/2024 at 2:05 PM, jimn said:

    Do travel agents actually still exist over here. Far easier to use the online travel sites either direct with an airline or with an online agent. All the info anyone needs is contained in these sites, yet the OP thinks for some reason Asean Now posters know better.

    If travel agents still existed in Thailand, I mean upcountry, I would have been to see them long ago. There was one in Phitsanulok 18 years ago when I first came to live in Thailand, but don't think there are any anymore, upcountry I mean.

  4. 22 hours ago, wadman said:


    A lot of airlines allow you carry on 2 pieces of luggage onto the cabin: 1 piece that fits into the overhead bin + 1 personal item (which can be a laptop bag, as long as it is small enough to be stored underneath the seat).


    See if this works for you. Check with Thai airways to see what their cabin allowance is for your ticket. 

    KLM for baggage online is 35x25x55 and weight is 12 Ks. It would be interesting to know what other airlines charge and how they determine 

    the charge. ie do they have a measuring tape at check in?

  5. 19 hours ago, jesimps said:

    What I do hate is waiting outside a shop in the heat for it to open late in the morning. Central Plaza in Pattaya a case in point with an opening time of 11am.  

    They can see a large crowd waiting to be admitted, but no way on God's earth will they open those doors even a second early.

    You would not have to wait till 11 am in the sun, you can walk in much earlier and wait at the bottom of the stairs.

  6. 20 hours ago, 1FinickyOne said:

    That was very nice of the cashier...


    laughter is a cultural thing... thai often laugh in times of stress... if I hit my head in a car door, my wife in the USA would have been wild with laughter... so, it's a male/female thing too. 

    If it was me wanting to pay for a service and the cashier is not available, after about 5 mins I would give them a warning, after 10 mins and still no one to take my payment, I would write my phone no down, hand it to them, then walk out.

  7. 22 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    How long have you been here? And you are still surprised that they didn't understand your sarcastic North Korea joke. That tells us a lot more about you than those Thais you complain about.


    Many countries want the money of the tourists. They don't really want the tourist.

    I understand them, living here for decades I see too many annoying tourists. 

    I think that is mostly in Bangkok or Pattaya, not the whole country.

  8. On 4/6/2024 at 8:25 AM, bkk6060 said:

    Jeez, if these are your biggest complaints in 7 years you should be thankful.   Pretty minor stuff to complain about in my opinion.

    No's 1 and 2 are not minor things, there are hours of difference in them. No 3, yes quite minor.

  9. 6 hours ago, Classic Ray said:

    U turns are inherently dangerous, especially in Thailand, where a slow moving vehicle turns into the path of higher speed traffic.


    I am not excusing the actions of the British rider, but road layout and driver behaviour make these collisions far too common.

    As soon as it was obvious the British rider was under the influence of alcohol then that is it, but it would not have been the first time a motorbike taxi rider was under the influence of alcohol. I have heard and seen for myself evidence of this.

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