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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Then the insurance company don't pay out because of an existing issue, you had your tonsils out when you were a kid.
  2. I can't say one way or the other, but this being Thailand, well......
  3. What is the easiest Rob to get into the Netherlands or to get into Thailand, say for tourists?
  4. Government rule Rob, from a bunch of tinpot soldiers who don't even know who the deputy PM is. You know it's Anutin, I know it's Anutin, but according to some reports, it's a guy with about 20 letters in his name. ????
  5. Everybody does not have law degrees to understand all the legal jargon BS.
  6. In some cases the insurance does not kick in for two weeks, although I'm told it is in the minority. What I want to know is did these people who tested positive have any problem with their insurance? Did the insurance companies expect payment up front?
  7. There is one of us who supports him, but you probably won't hear from him for a while yet, he should me making his way home about now with carrier bags under each arm full of cans of Chang.
  8. That's too sensible for the soldiers in charge here.
  9. Who's that deputy PM again? The one with the long funny name? Seems they don't even know their ranks, positions or whatever, never mind names. I thought they were supposed to be soldiers. The deputy PM, that's the other Chuckle Brother, is called Anutin. Is he not?
  10. There has been posts on here with one poster in particular, only last week, says he has had no changes with his retirement extensions in I think about 20 years. ????
  11. Yes, I think the guys name is Tony, he done well for me, be aware he is closed on Mondays.
  12. OK I get your point, although I love the Thai people, and accept that the vast majority of them are decent, trustworthy and honest. Though unfortunately, these are the same people responsible for Thailands dreadful road statistics their lack of intelligence affects us all and not just on the roads. Sorry about that, but I just want you to see where I am coming from.
  13. I agree, nothing wrong with anyone having a social drink, as a lifelong non drinker. I have sat with many farangs over the years, and out of these many I can only think of two who have given people problems through drink. But in saying that, I know a good few who have died from it, though did not cause problems.
  14. Well certainly not from a circus, I have never heard of any in this Banana Republic, but I would think that the Thai army would be top of the list for clowns if following this unelected soldier posing as a PM is anything to go by.
  15. I know there are many members of this forum who are expats living in Bangkok. I wonder what their experiences living with this Cvirus are, do they live a normal life apart from the closures of the bars, pubs etc? Do some of them go about their business worrying if they will catch the Virus? With a population of I think about 12 million, what is the daily statistics of the Bangkok people catching the Cvirus today? I guess maybe about 500? That would say the normal adult under 60 who is not obese, not a heavy drinker or smoker, and with no major health issues would have very little chance of catching the Cvirus.
  16. Thailand is a Banana Republic ruled by an unelected soldier posing as a PM with probably about the same low IQ as most of the Thai people. He was mixing with real politicians in Glasgow last week, I don't know what his English is like, but I would bet that if he even opened his mouth, he would be getting laughed at behind his back.
  17. Right! So what chance has a Banana Republic like Thailand got?
  18. That's what happens when you have an unelected soldier posing as a PM. Did he not take over tourism himself a short time ago? Or was that the other Chuckle Brother Anutin? If they are not sure themselves, how can we be? ????
  19. "have a couple of pre-conditions, but then, who hasn't?" I haven't, never spent a night in hospital in my life.
  20. Health insurance is far too expensive, with conditions attached to it full of legal jargon the average person would not understand. They are far too greedy, and try every trick in the book not to pay out for claims. I once had health insurance from a Thai company, I asked them to give me it in English and they refused, so on the advice of a very influencial person, I stopped it. The way insurance companies work, it is my opinion that no one can have peace of mind with any of them.
  21. "When Thaksin left office. the then current Government" I am not 100% certain, but would that not be more unelected soldiers after another coup?
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