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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. But what if you don't have a partner when you fall of your perch? I am no financial expert, but I thought that this 800k Bt had to stay in the bank, I know you can take so much out at certain times, but the rules regarding this keep changing from time to time.
  2. I also find it simple to report every 90 days to immigration, but I do not like being treated like a criminal out of prison on parole, but yes everything is simple and easy if you are using an agent to do everything for you. Much easier than throwing away a fortune for the Elite visa. ????
  3. Many do go if what you read regularly in forums is true. Ask yourself this. How many expats have left Thailand for good between 2007 and 2014 compared to between 2014 and now? I don't think there is anyway of finding out, but I would bet there were a lot more from 2014 up to now.
  4. "Keep 800k in Thai bank all year." Everyone to his own, but if you are expecting to live in retirement here in Thailand for the rest of your life, that 800k you keep in the bank, it's just like you have just given it away.
  5. Prayut orders relevant agencies to halt cross-border migration. Where have we heard this before? Was it with the Burma border and all the illegals getting bussed into Thailand with the IOs looking the other way with their filled pockets which started of the second wave of the Cvirus. Did the soldier masquerading as a PM not say he would look into it? Just like the there will be no coup, then more recently, there will be no floods. Does anyone actually listen to this joker anymore?
  6. That is not going to happen, the unelected soldier masquerading as a PM will fleece the tourists as much as they can for reasons everyone knows.
  7. Absolute rubbish, if you want to obey every law, it is not worth your while even getting out of bed in the morning. There are ways around most laws if you look for them, if you don't agree with any, then remember you have a middle finger. Don't get me wrong here, I do agree with most laws, but if any would affect me in a negative way, I usually find a way of using that middle finger.
  8. Thailand is not a low IQ country for no reason. Here we have an unelected soldier impersonating a PM, and the people allow it, nearly everything that comes out of this guys mouth gets changed after a day or two because so much nonsense has been spouted.
  9. No, but an incident did happen when I entered my local Lotus. I was 38, I went away and came back about 30 mins later and it was 36. I have tested myself many times since then, and have always been between 34 and 36. Imagine entering a shopping mall, testing myself and getting 38, there would be a security guy there who would see it and have me taken way to a hospital. The same thing could happen to some tourist arriving at Swampy, what would have happened then?
  10. Does anyone watch lifetime movies? Very often I download and watch them, I downloaded one which was called Nightmare Tennant. It started off with the words Nightmare Tennant, then changed to Scarlet, a different movie altogether. Last night the same thing had happened, another time the camera angles were all wrong, someone was talking and you could only see them from the shoulders down, after about ten mins I just turned the thing off. These cannot just be mistakes, they happen all the time, and only with Lifetime movies. There must be a reason for this, anyone any ideas? Is money involved in some way? Also, the movies are very good, but this is going to put me off.
  11. Could you expand a bit on that? The fall guy for what? Who was the agent? If you can answer these questions, don't worry about defamation, you don't have to critisise anyone.
  12. That's only the unelected soldier and his generals thinking, they will blame anyone but themselves.
  13. What sort of IQ does Sweden have? Don't they know all the hassles needed, and what goes on in the country regarding alcohol? Maybe even risking a 14 night very expensive compulsary stay in hospital? etc etc, etc, etc.
  14. I am one of these posters who refer to this insurance as a scam. I will put it simply, up until the 1st Nov the Cvirus insurance was for $100.000, that was way over the top, the average person who gets this virus recovers in around 4 or 5 weeks, yes, there are exceptions, the obese, heavy drinkers and smokers, over 60s etc, I am going by what I read on this forum. you see the amount of recoveries every day.
  15. So have I, it is no coincidence that the Baht got stronger since the unelected soldier took the country at gunpoint in 2014, it was around 50 Bt to the UK pound then and reached a low of about 37 Bt to the GBP. I know about Brexit and that would have an effect, but I believe that these soldiers do manipulate the Thai Baht somehow. Money in offshore accounts maybe? How much has this unelected soldiers wealth increased in that time? Something we will never know.
  16. There's these letters again "per se", it is English letters, but is it an English word? I graduated from an English teachers training academy in Bangkok to become an English teacher, and these letters never appeared anywhere.
  17. It is old men who are playing at being politicians and trying to run the country. Don't let the black hair dye fool you. The Chuckle Brothers again spring to mind.
  18. I'm not surprised the Chinese come into it, any unfair money making schemes in this part of the world you can be sure the Chinese will be involved somewhere.
  19. "Hopefully insurance policies will become more common and competitive...." No chance, insurance companies are all full of tricks with legal jargon and small print, so they can use it to prevent paying out claims. If this posts upsets any present or past insurance employees, then that's just too bad.
  20. + Expensive PCR tests, hotel room, and the very serious possibility of being shut away for a very expensive 14 night prison sentence even if I am 100% clear of this Cvirus.
  21. Now! It is keeping me from going home to see my family and friends as it is going to be very hard to return as I am not going to help to line the pockets of this unelected soldier government via the crooked insurance companies, hospitals and hotels.
  22. Nothing is impossible, there are always ways round things, and that is in any country. All anyone can do is try and make it harder for the bad guys.
  23. The Thai authorities, that is the unelected soldiers are probably getting brown envelopes from the hotels and insurance companies, the bungs they receive will make sure that these people who rely on tourism for their livelihoods will just have to go without while the "authorities" keep on getting richer.
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