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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. When someone walks toward me looking at their phone, I just stop and let them walk into me and give them a big smile, but that doesn't usually work now if I am wearing a mask, and the people then usually get angry, but that's their hard luck.
  2. The IO is not far from my nearest Makro, so doing the 90 day report is no hardship to me. I just don't like being told to report to anyone. I could see the point if I was just released from prison on parole, but I have never been in prison in my life, so, as I say, why should I report to anyone?
  3. "Great post, not sure why people always things the rules should not apply to them." Rules don't apply to me if I don't agree with them, though there is the odd exception, ie the 90 day report as I am not on parole, and have never been in prison. That is one of the rules I do not agree with, but can't work my way round it.
  4. What is the best way to learn more things using a smartphone. I know most things and do use it for banking, I haven't a clue about using it for scanning. I used it for downloading music from Youtube, it decided to stop, and now I haven't been able to do it for the last six months. I just put it down to it being a computer and behaving as such.
  5. "I have noticed some older felang guys in shopping malls k" I can't say I have noticed that at all, but then I don't notice any men. But lets get back on topic, what attracts girls to you?
  6. There seems to be some confusing over the leering part. I assume that leering is people who make it obvious instead of being discreet when an attractive female comes into sight. Normal guys will look at an attractive female, end of story. Notice I said look, not leer.
  7. Especially soldiers, when having so much power over a whole country seems to make them even worse.
  8. Any normal farangs out there who does not like looking at attractive young females? What are normal guys any age supposed to do when a young attractive female comes into sight, look away??
  9. "when everyone else in Thailand is looking to rip off/cheat/gouge visitors to the maximum extent possible." Exactly, starting with the unelected PM and his soldiers. PCR and insurance scams, hotel scams etc.
  10. I have been with my wife for a very happy 15 years, and certainly do not chase females, but I still love looking at them. I think there would be something wrong with me if I didn't. ????
  11. But is it not your idol who is responsible for all this nonsense Steven? Looks like the booze is affecting you more these days.
  12. I will need to check one of my old diaries to see if I was ever with girl called Molly
  13. Well in my case, we waited 5 years after setting up house together before we married, and that was ten years ago, which proves she is not after my money as I wasn't that rich then. Both her and me have our separate bank accounts, and it has worked well for both of us.
  14. Just don't go until this money grabbing unelected PM and his soldiers stop this nonsense. I had a "temperature" of 38 when I entered my local Tesco mini mart. Then after consulting with a friend on the phone I went back to the same shop again only about 30 mins later, tried again, and this time the temperature was 36, I have done it many times since, and I am always between 34 and 36. Imagine a Thai person was behind me, it would have caused a panic and I may have ended up in hospital.
  15. "I used to put a large pair of socks down my pants but the women ran the other way." Next time try a banana.????
  16. I was never the life and soul of the party, probably being due to me being a non drinker. I wish I had the ability to make people laugh alll the time.
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