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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. No, PMs are elected in the UK and they chose their own cabinet. I cannot say about other countries. Thailands elections and PMs are all about money as I understand it.
  2. It certainly is a factor, but I'm not sure it is the biggest. What about the unelected PM and his soldiers?
  3. What does YMMV mean? Some posters want to come off their smartphone and remember they are not texting.
  4. Or that the country has been ruled by the military at the point of a gun (figure of speech) for the last 7 years.
  5. I don't think it is possible to find out, but I will ask this question. How many retirees have left Thailand for good in the 7 years before 2014 compared to the seven years between 2014 and now?
  6. Anyone know why my qBittorent client when I am trying to download Only Fools and Horses only goes so far then stops, then it comes up with red printing saying something about corrections. This doesn't happen with any other TV show or movie.
  7. Why is it so hard to buy free range eggs in Thailand? I live in a small town up country and the place is surrounded by farms with chickens and ducks, but my wife says you cannot buy free range eggs nearby. She says there is a place about 40 Ks away where they only sell to regular customers. Another thing, what a pleasant surprise to find tins of spam at Makro after they have been non existent for years.
  8. I don't agree, the survey seems very straight forward to me. Three simple questions which are easy to answer.
  9. "The tourists is not the problem, the low wax rate in Thailand at around 38 % is the problem." Yes! and we all know who is responsible for that. Don't we?
  10. A lot of members of the "scared of your own shadow" brigade would dispute that. ????
  11. What rules? Common sense is enough for most people. But Thais?? Not so much.
  12. What's the matter Steven? You are supposed to be blootered at this time of the evening. Oh! Wait! You are blootered, you have just given me a confused emo, when what I said is very obvious to us sober posters.
  13. No problem, the brown envelopes don't have far to travel.
  14. I would rather see someone with a decent education, not a Military Academy graduate with probably the average Thai IQ of around 90.
  15. I think the answer to this question will confirm what we all know about the unelected governments attitude to us expats.
  16. I read somewhere a good few years back that it is reckoned that two thirds of the Thai adult male population use prostitution in some form.
  17. The unelected soldiers caused a lot of tourism to dwindle before the pandemic came with their immigration policies, also caused a lot of retirees to leave Thailand for good, though I'm not so sure the two or three week sexmongers dwindled that much.
  18. I don't take part in the sex industry, but I still think Thailand needs it for the countries economy and peoples jobs. Also I do not drink, but I still think Thailand is wrong to shut down bars etc, which again is affecting peoples livelihoods just because of Buddhist days and politics.
  19. What other countries are run with people with low IQs like the Banana Republic of Thailand?
  20. That's true, but every time you see resurfacing being done, they always leave the lanes badly rutted for the following 1 or 2Ks leaving motorcyclists having to ride on rutted lanes, which is very dangerous in itself, and even worse in wet weather, which is fine if you are driving on four wheels, instead of doing one lane at a time and leaving the other one safe for motorcycles.
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