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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. It's the easiest thing ever to drop poisoned meat at them, unless they are trained to only eat what you give them.
  2. Why have you stopped sending me the Newsletter, your service concerning the Newsletter has been dreadful lately. Would you mind starting again? Possum1931.
  3. No way, it is every UK persons duty to get as much out of the system as they can, the MPs are doing it, having 2nd mortgages on houses at taxpayers expense, they are stealing of OAPs by not allowing their annual state pension increases in most other countries, putting up migrants arriving in boats from France after they have passed through other countries making their way to the UK gravy train, again at the taxpayers expense, want me to go on?
  4. What if you don't have property, live in a rented house, they cannot insist on taking any money from your state, notice "state" pension. There is also certain things in a house that they cannot take.
  5. Not if your only income is the state pension, they can't take what you haven't got, and they can't take any money from your state pension.
  6. and the UK will send their own citizens back to Malaysia, and at the same time put up the boat people arriving from France into hotels and give them other benefits? Amazing isn't it?
  7. Could be, but I'll stand by the Swiss guy disarming the Thai guy and throwing the gun in the pond, but I accept there may be other possibilities.
  8. Yes This is Thailand, a Banana Republic run by Dad's Army and The Keystone Cops.
  9. You mean the Thai guy may have been disarmed by the Swiss guy, did the gun not end up in a nearby pond? To answer your question, then it turns into a new ball game.
  10. If it can be proved that the deceased guy had a loaded gun in his hand while on the Swiss guys property, then that's it, end of story.
  11. Forget about spoonfeeding, all I want is to enjoy this forum without posts coming up with initials all the time, except of course the obvious ones.
  12. Different banks and IOs all have their own rules, it is nothing more than bosses going on power trips. This is Thailand.
  13. It's not, I remember when I got married in Bangkok I must have signed about at least 50 times. Ask anyone you know who has applied and got the visa based on marriage in recent times, ask them how many signatures they had to do. Regards. Possum.
  14. Thank you for replying, But I say it is being lazy, and there's no excuse for it, it is getting worse and worse on this forum.
  15. If you want to text then why not just join twitter? I enjoy reading and answering posts, this is a forum and I do not want to be interrupted when on it because some other posters think this forum should be like twitter or the like. Nothing to do with being ignorant.
  16. That's what I think too, I can understand why Thailand have not started opening up and meeting this Cvirus head on, but surely the countries with a good vaccine rate should be instead of hiding away from it. I think we all know that if it was not for the unelected PMs dithering over vaccines from the start, Thailand should already be opening up.
  17. I am not going to google for initials because of some posters laziness, and yes, I said lazy and stand by it, I only type about initials because when I am enjoying a post it becomes a bit of a nuisance. As for your answer, it sure doesn't say much for your IQ or lack of it, does it?
  18. I don't know if you had any children with your UK wife, I didn't, but there is no way any wife of mine would get anymore than I thought she deserved, which would be 1 Children. 2 What she contributed financially to the marriage. 3 Did she leave you for someone else? 4 Did you leave her for someone else? That must be the main things in a marriage which helps decide if or your wife is entitled to anything or not.
  19. "asian but catholic ;" I am not a Catholic, but I wish the Thai people were rather than Buddhist with their stupid amulets, maybe their IQ would even be higher.
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