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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. When I first came here, I wasn't interested where the IO office is, all I had to do was go on a nice pleasant day trip of about 180Ks every 90 days to the border for a stamp. "Nothing is ever 100% perfect or easy". That is true and I do not expect it to be, but I do expect fairness, and compulsory reporting to anyone just because authorities like their power trips is not fairness.
  2. Have I got this right? if someone with assets, bank account, car, personal things etc, marries an Australian woman then gets divorced, the Australian woman gets half of the possessions he had before the Marriage?
  3. "Never felt like a criminal in LOS. 90 day report was 4 days a year. No big deal" doing the 90 day report. It is not a hassle for me, the IO office is 50Ks from me, but so is the nearest Makro where I go about once a month I just don't like being told I must report to someone just for the sake of other peoples power trips.
  4. Yes, I think you make a good point here.
  5. You have missed out the many negative immigration issues that have happened since then, ie how difficult it is for the under fifties who don't want to get married and want to stay long time. All the unnecessary hoops you have to put up with and the hassle you get with the marriage extensions. Do you ever read the comments and lies coming from the unelected PM and his generals? Does it not bother you being treated like a criminal to report to immigration every 90 days. I do understand where you are coming from with your comments about some of the roadworks in Pattaya, but what about these regular floods we are always reading about? I understand the drainage system is mostly to blame for that. The storm drains you mentioned don't seem to be helping much. Don't you go out with your wife/GF to restaurants for a meal? Does it not bother you about the draconian alcohol rules? etc, etc.
  6. Those of you who have lived here 15 years or more, how do you compare it then and now? We now have an unelected PM, educated at a Military Academy, no experience at all in politics, but manages to stay in power for the last 7 years. Will there ever be a democratically elected government in Thailand in the near future? How many expats came to live in Thailand in the 7 years leading up to the 2014 coup compared with the 7 years since? How many expats have left Thailand for good since the coup compared to the 7 years before? Your thoughts.
  7. No Newsletter again yesterday afternoon, this morning, or this afternoon. I have to get a kind Mod to send to me. Why is this happening again?
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