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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. That is very interesting, anyone done it so far? What is your experience?
  2. Are you sure it is 5 days earlier? I thought it was more.
  3. Yes, unlike this soldier who is in charge today. At least Thaksin was elected.
  4. I never paid much attention to any governments before the soldiers stole the country, and I have been getting more bitter against them ever since.
  5. Up to a good extent, It did not apply to me after starting secondary school. I certainly did not automatically obey anyone "superior" to me, simply because they did not exist, don't get me wrong, if I was treated fairly, I was always fair back, I got on very well with the majority of my teachers and bosses, there were exceptions, though very few, but they all knew I would never get pushed around.
  6. and did he not put a massive increase on a much lower fee to the 800.000Bt in the bank for the retirees over 50?
  7. Yes of course they would, anything would be better than an unelected, poorly educated soldier who is posing as a PM right now.
  8. He may be good for the working class Thais, but would he be good for expats? If like the last time I don't think so.
  9. So you re saying that nearly every person you know who goes to Bars in Pattaya has got the virus? Or when you say infections, it means anything, STDs etc. Anyone here who goes to the Bars in Pattaya who is not infected?
  10. What is DOPA? Remember you are on a forum, not texting on a smartphone.
  11. "If that's the case for Omicron, then why does Thailand still need to quarantine people coming to Thailand?" Only one answer. Money. Hospitals, Pharmacies, Insurance Companies, and most of all The Soldiers Government.
  12. How right you are, the Hospitals and Pharmacies are not going to be too pleased if what Dr Manoon says is true, and they probably are in with the unelected PM and his hordes where finance is concerned.
  13. I know that Wise is not a bank. but I also know that you can keep GBPs in it. If I am in the UK can I transfer any or all of these GBPs in to my UK bank. If so, will it be at the rate it was when I deposited it, or the rate it is when I withdraw it?
  14. Just as well that there are no circuses in Thailand. Both he and the other Chuckle Brother would have been better employed there.
  15. Prime minister working from home until January 14 Working from home?? Working from his barracks more like. The best thing he could do is recall his soldiers from parliament and start getting the parade grounds working again. Then leave parliament to properly elected, properly educated politicians.
  16. "China take this seriously because their concerned about spreading the virus." Of course they are, there is no proof that the Chinese started the virus, of course they are concerned about spreading it. How easy would it be for some other country to have representatives sneak into Wuhan and do all the messing about which started the virus?
  17. We don't really have a proper government, just a bunch of tinpot soldiers playing at being politicians.
  18. Why do you mention HIV? You are way off topic here altogether. How does a person like me who does not drink, so never goes to bars, is 100% straight, going to get involved with HIV?
  19. They seemed a well off family, she had a brand new Vigo. There is no way I am going to be invited for a meal and then pay the bill for everyone. The name is Possum, not Muggins.
  20. Your last sentence, not just the test, but saving you from all the runaround whether you are going to Thailand or leaving Thailand. This could be a money spinner for some agents, but they would have to play fair with their prices.
  21. If what I keep reading here on AN/TV is true and there are people testing positive, not necessary after arriving at the airport, but anywhere, and being charged from 100.000- 200.000 Bt, then surely we have to believe that there are going to be benefits for people involved with Hospitals and Pharmacies, and very good ones at that.
  22. As a person who has never had the flu or bad colds here in Thailand, what medicines should I keep in the house in case I catch this Cvirus and want to stay at home until I recover?
  23. Rules are nothing, they are only made to be broken as long as no ordinary person is inconvenienced in any way. Common sense is everything, and DUI's should have their vehicles impounded and sold at auction with the proceeds going to worthy causes, and also heavily fined and jailed for a long time. 10 years would be fine.
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