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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. "we should respect their laws." Why should we respect anyone's laws and rules if they are unfair to ordinary people?
  2. Not your country, true, but I presume you are living in it and contributing to the economy.
  3. "don't consider myself an anti-vaxxer per se," There's that per se thing again, what does it mean? I have asked about this before and nobody can explain it. It doesn't even look like English.
  4. That is very similar to me, can you tell me something, what is the situation if you book a flight to the UK with your debit card. and it is cancelled by the airline? Also, what is the situation if you have to cancel your flight because you have problems getting your PLF in time, or something else beyond your control?
  5. "Ah you may be right but who elected them???". What sort of a question is that? Are you seriously saying you don't know how this Military government managed to obtain power?
  6. "I know I'll get flamed for that." You are damned right you will, what right have you to say whether anyone can or can't afford to be living here? Everyone has different life styles and living expenses, and yes, I can easily afford to buy a new car, but my well equipped motorbike is well suited for long distance traveling in Thailand.
  7. A few very fat brown envelopes should sort that out. ????
  8. Will it? If it did, the unelected PM will find something to take it's place, some sort of expensive medical on arrival at the airport perhaps?
  9. "NO Quarantine and No tests," If that happened, the unelected PM and his generals personal income will decrease, we can't have that now, can we?
  10. What about the "fat bellied, big titties" brigade? ???? Are they going to score with the beautiful Colombian girls even if they want to pay well for it? I don't think so.
  11. Good helpful post, but there are far too many people who are members of the "scared of your own shadow" brigade who won't do what you say because they mistakenly think they are breaking some law.
  12. I was trying to install Pop Tray email notifier, then decided against it. I have deleted everything to do with it. Now a PING sound with a message appearing on my screen keeps popping up every few mins and I have to click on OK. It reads "access violation at address 00416950". Anyone know how I can stop it?
  13. After 15 years in Thailand all I have had is honesty, decency. work done satisfactory all over my house, extensions and car port built, electrical work etc. My A/C started playing up again with water dripping, My wife phoned up the regular guy and could not get an answer, so she phoned someone else who came instead, he done the normal stuff, cleaned etc then charged me 300Bt which was fine. Not long after he went away the water started dripping again, my wife phoned him to come back and fix it, he told her it would cost between 800 and 1200Bt. I said no, she tried to call the regular guy and this time she got him, he came and fixed it and charged the same. So this is the first time in 15 years I have had someone come to do a job in the house and gave unsatisfactory work, and was obviously at it.
  14. There used to be a forum for pets on Thaivisa, but I can't find it now, so here I am. I have just had one of our cats die from cat flu, for the past five days my wifes daughter has been taking the cat back and forward to the vets, with the vet stuffing his pockets with money each time. It was obvious the cat was not going to recover and the vet was just prolonging the cats life. Is it religion that stops vets from putting animals to sleep, or is that just an excuse for milking money from people? I know what I think.
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