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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. See an agent, and don't listen to anyone who says that they do things illegally, they do not, TV/AN even sponsors one of the better agencies.
  2. I have noticed that the baht strengthens whenever the Cvirus statistics go up and weakens when things improve a bit, things are easing off a little bit now, so the baht is getting stronger.
  3. What would happen to say an 80 odd year old retiree who needed serious health treatment in even a government hospital, gets his countrys OAP and does not have the savings to pay for it? Is he left to just lie in the hospital corridors or car park till he dies? I sat it is the governments fault for allowing the insurance companies to rip people off and not come up with some fair government hospital scheme to help retirees pay into when they come to live in Thailand.
  4. Good question, it is bad enough being treated like a criminal with this ridiculous 90 day report, but for old sick people, the old sick people should be treated with some compassion. It is not just the soldiers, properly elected governments in Thailand are just as bad when it comes to treating these people.
  5. The way I see it is that Australia and New Zealands governments have brains and education and know exactly what they are doing. Like the governments of all the major countries, they put themselves first. That's the only thing they have in common with Thailands unelected PM and his soldiers, who are poorly educated and have very little brain power.
  6. If the UK genuinely cares about peoples welfare, then why do they keep allowing all the illegals and "asylum seekers" to keep arriving in their dingys every day from France and use their peoples tax money to keep them in hotels, and feed them etc? Also, allow thousands of their OAPs to die of cold related illnesses every winter because they cannot afford to pay extortionate electric bills to heat their homes on about the lowest pensions in Europe?
  7. Not that you know of anyway, would you like to confirm that all these friends had no issues with the PLF? Have you spoken to them all about it?
  8. "they can just go back home". Can they? Speaking for the UK, first they have to get a plane ticket, the easiest part, then they have to get the Cvirus check, another easy part apart from getting ripped off with the cost, then there's the PLF which has to be done 48 hours or less before the plane lands in the UK, which takes it down to 36 hours, and less if you have to change planes before you get there, and what if the plane leaves Bangkok late which happens regularly? and it has to be done online, all done before the plane leaves. Easy, isn't it?
  9. "all the lock their rules"?????????? Please explain.
  10. Yes I suppose you have a point there, Maybe I was being a bit subconcious because of the "politicians" in charge of Thailand.
  11. Lets just say that they are nowhere in the same hurry for this Cvirus to end as we ordinary people.
  12. Don't they charge you for writing the name of the meds?
  13. Well don't tell them you are insured in the first place, then start hagglng with the price when it comes the time to pay, plead poverty.
  14. Private hospitals are more interested in how they can get as much money as they can from you rather than help you get well, and veterinary surgeons are the same with your animals giving your pet medicine all the time when they know it is going to die.
  15. They probably wouldn't even notice it, they don't even have up to date addresses of about 40% of state pensioners. ????
  16. If all the "asylum" seekers and the dingy people can get money from the UK government, why shouldn't those on pensions? Gee's, some UK MPs have jobs on the side while drawing their full MPs wages, working as solicitors, company directors etc, then retiring on very big pensions while ordinary OAPs die of cold related illnesses every winter and have to choose between eating and heating due to extortionate electricity bills. So who does the most dipping into the pots"?
  17. "And who is the covid tsar who was granted absolute responsibility and authority for the handling of Thailands covid epidemic in April 2021.....Small clue..." He is the image of a demented circus midget, but Steve is usually so drunk that he doesn't notice.
  18. The unelected PM and his soldiers helping desperate people out?? They are to busy helping themselves.
  19. Why is this even in the headlines? Everyone with any common sense knows how untrustworthy the unelected PM and his soldiers are.
  20. It is not against the law to not wear a mask when exercising, I never wear a mask when I'm exercising (cycling) and no one had better complain including the police, or they will get told where to get off.
  21. This is a very sensible post, though I'm not sure about the last part, going by what I see in Thailand, it seems that governments the world over are using this pandemic to get richer. Imagine the profit margins in everything from testing to PLFs etc, etc, etc. How many senior politicians in major countries have had their personal finances drop? Compare that to ordinary people in most other jobs who still have them, whose earnings have dropped considerably.
  22. I don't think the choices could have been any better, but I agree with the second part of your post.
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