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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Many Thai's are stupid, you only need to ride a pedal bike or motorbike on any Thai road and the reason for the dreadful road statistics is very obvious. The nice honest Thai person who runs after you to give you the 100Bt note that you left on the counter could very easily be the same person who then jumps on to their motorbike. comes out of a side road and on to a main road without looking then rides up the wrong side of the road. Yes, the average Thai person is decent and honest, but that all changes when they jump on to a motorbike or in to a car. So Yes, the average Thai person is stupid. Sorry to be so blunt.
  2. What height are you? Do you look fit and not overweight?
  3. Anyone who openly insults you from behind a keyboard only do it as they are such big cowards because they know you cannot hit back.
  4. This is unbelievable, a big AIS store closes at The Walk shopping centre, no one knows where it has moved to, not even a notice giving it's new address. Tried to Google it, what chance have I got? Can anyone help?
  5. So what?? Suggesting and recommending something are two different things. I suggested it because In all my years dealing with Wise I have always had good service. Is this you back to your old self trying to stir up problems where none exist.
  6. That's a good question, and I would need an answer before I deposit anything.
  7. What is to stop you transferring an amount of GBP to Wise and keeping it there until you may want to transfer some of it to your Thai bank account. I am not saying it is the best thing to do, it would depend on your own circumstances. Wise handles all sorts of foreign money.
  8. It is a natural reaction to shout when some halfwit puts you in immediate danger no matter what country you are in, or what is bad manners or not.
  9. What about keeping most of your savings in a UK bank for the interest then transfer some of your savings in GBP to Wise I know that with Wise it is not really a bank account as I don't think there will be any interest?
  10. What about keeping the majority of your savings with Wise. You can add and take out money as you please both here in Thailand or in the UK. Please note that I am not necessary talking about the Wise debit card that needs you to have a UK address before you can apply for it.
  11. I agree with you, not too long ago a very ugly wee woman rode up the wrong side of the road on her motorbike and forced me while riding my pedal bike on to face oncoming traffic, I shouted at her and she came after me with a big stick, I dismounted and faced her, she then attacked me with the stick and I easily disarmed her. There could be a time when you may have to use violence on a woman if it was to save yourself from serious injury. I mean what if that woman had been taller and fitter?
  12. That's very true, most Thai's can't think for themselves, they can't even question why they allowed a bunch of half witted soldiers with the same mentality as Somchai and Lek in the street to play at being politicians.
  13. What about exercise? I spend almost an hour cycling and in the local exercise park most days and I have great sleeps.
  14. Yes but look at the prices.
  15. Another Makro, that's helpful, hope it sells the same things as the Makro on the 225. The Makro in Phichit is a poor one, they do not sell all the same things as the one in Nakhon Sawan.
  16. I notice the AIS store on the ground floor of The Walk in Nakhon Sawan has closed. Can anyone tell me where the new one is? Is it in the same building?
  17. I think Thailand is more of a laughing stock in the world and the other main countries are not interested. As for it being the safest country in that regard, Thais are the last people I would want at my back in a war due to the cowardly attitude of the men. I think you all know what I mean.
  18. That happened to me the only one time out of quite a few times I was riding my Forza on the no motorbike part of the highway around Don Muang Airport, only I did not offer to go to the police station. I just offered the cop 300Bt instead of the 1000Bt he asked for and he took it with a smile. I do not agree with the rule and don't see why bikes over 250cc should not be allowed there. so I did not obey it.
  19. Don't give the unelected soldiers or any Thai "politicians" of the future any ideas.
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