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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I agree, another way of looking at it, you could be driving and be involved in a head on crash the steering wheel comes back and crushes you on the chest causing serious injury or even death because your seat belt stopped you from ducking down to the passenger seat.
  2. Let's wait and see if these things actually happen. The Labour party especially with a multimillionaire "Sir" PM will be like all the other "party of the working class" politicians, bigger Liars and Hypocrites than all the other political parties put together.
  3. They won't be any action if any of these guys are on their own and there is no way they can contact their pals quickly. I know from experience.
  4. Has anyone ever been overcharged by a motorbike taxi. Please tell us of the outcome.
  5. I agree with you, but if there was an incident, and there have been, where someone was killed because he/she was wearing a seat belt, you can bet that it would not be reported in the news or the press. I can only remember one such incident which was reported in my whole lifetime.
  6. and how would you feel if you were involved in a crash and the car was on fire and they were trapped by their safety belt, or the car was in the water after going off the pier. Of course it can't happen can it?
  7. Are you serious?? Get over to one of bob's topics, that should suit you.
  8. "If I saw a Thai fighting with Bob I would jump in to help. Help the Thai" You would not need to help the Thai, he would already have 3 or 4 Thai guys already at his back. I have lived here for 18 years and never as much as been even threatened, I have been about Bangkok and Pattaya many times and never had a problem. If you are sober and mind your own business you will not have a problem with any violence in Thailand.
  9. I would go after him with a baseball bat or pick axe handle, after hitting him on the face and he is lying on the ground I would break his legs. I would do a bit of due diligence, make sure there was no witnesses or camera's about. If the guy knew where I lived, I would wait a few months then pay someone else to do it. But one thing is certain, he would not get away with it.
  10. Yes , but I didn't know that when I wrote my post, but read my last sentence.
  11. There is a very simple word. NO!
  12. Surely if the couple are living in Thailand they could just cancel their UK bank account and keep the Thai one so the Inland revenue can't get near it. But something tells me it won't be as easy as that.
  13. Great story, now I would like to see a Westerner have a win like that on the Thai lottery.
  14. You are not dumb mate, a few years back you told me how to use a client to download movies and TV shows, you sure done me a good turn there. Now I can't get Pirate Bay when I press on the client, not too worry I just use another one now.
  15. Planning permission?? Oh! Sorry, we are not in the UK. One of the better things about Thailand, your property is your property.
  16. Music???? You mean noise. Idiots?? Definitely. No question about it.
  17. If I am wrong I stand to be corrected, but are the senate not unelected generals who stopped the guy Pita from being PM on technicalities as he had the most votes in the last general election?
  18. Certainly not on an MRT or skytrain.
  19. One day at the old Bangkok train station on the platform a Thai guy was sleeping on a bench with his case on the next seat. there were no spare seats on the whole platform so I asked him in Thai to excuse me, he never heard so I moved his case off the seat and sat down, he then woke up and started shouting at me obviously in Thai so I just looked at him and laughed.
  20. No, if there was the duty free shops would soon be out of business, come to think of it, is Swampy's duty free not being stopped or something like that?
  21. You would need plenty of money and take the chance that the insurance company does not up your cost dramatically or even just stop your insurance when you get to seventy.
  22. Yes as long as you have plenty of resources, and in most cases not of retirement age as you may then have to choose between eating and heating your home.
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