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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I did not have much respect for my father, he tried, I emphasis, tried, to stop me playing football with my pals on a Sunday because of his stupid religious nonsense, he told me at the age of 16 that I had to be home by midnight on a Saturday nights. at 16 I was bigger and fitter than him, I did what I like, he had no control over me, I just said to him, "Aye OK" and just carried on playing football on a Sunday and coming home at 1 or 2am on Sunday mornings. He never threatened me with any violence, he knew better.
  2. To The Mochit bus terminal? I don't think so, would tell me who for my next trip to Pattaya?
  3. I am finding it very hard to watch FM movies any more, as well as the subtitles disappearing, if I settle down to watch some TV series, it keeps freezing and starts loading again with that circle going round in the middle of your screen. Any one recommend a similar site? Thanks.
  4. She already is going by the photo in a previous thread. Unless it's an older photo taken when she was in Dubai in which case I hope she wasn't complaining about neighbour's noisy parties.
  5. Is that not Yingluck 3 along from his left? I thought she was still out of the country.
  6. "Clearly, he's not the best actor." A fan of Stallone and Arnie Swastika perhaps. 😄
  7. So much brass on his neck that it is getting rusted by his running hair dye.
  8. "Thailand is becoming an embarrassment to the rest of the world !!!!" Becoming?? It has been since the illegal coup by Prayuth and the rest of his soldiers. A guy with an average low Thai IQ leading a country backed by soldiers, guns, and tanks and getting away with it for 9 years. I am no financial expert but does the fact that since he and his soldiers left office the UK pound has got stronger from around 40 Baht to around 45 Baht to the GBP not tell you anything?
  9. 3,700Bt?? About 10 years ago was the price not about half that? Are the visa run companies not ripping off customers to make up for losses made during the Chinese virus?
  10. Yes that would make sense, but how come in 17 years of living here I have not heard of Farangs being called Anglos before?
  11. Right! But you would have to be very rich.
  12. But I have. I come from the UK and was there 15 months ago, and yes you have got it spot on.
  13. In my court case I was right. The judge decided I was right only for my lawyer to ring me up about two weeks later and say the judge has changed her mind. So I did not get what I wanted.
  14. The main reason among others that I only keep enough money here in The Banana Republic of Thailand. I use other means. They cannot get what I haven't got.
  15. Who is Anglos? Or have I missed something?
  16. Not on the meter. Fixed price. I never use a taxi on the meter for that journey, all it takes is an accident on the highway or some other hold up and the meter keeps going. Do Bolt insist using the meter? Bolt said between 1,500Bt and 1,700bt, a normal taxi is 1.400Bt.
  17. He does have a heart condition. Heart lazy, sorry! I couldn't resist that.
  18. Don't need to use AC when I go to bed. I hardly ever wake up till morning. Your talking about 7 hours sleep a day plus a nap from 5-6pm, AC off then too with just a fan being used. I do cycle and go to the exercise park in the morning before breakfast, so that helps a lot. AC nearly always at 25 degree's and on low, only very occasionally put it up to Mid. We also have solar panels.
  19. "skinny, or out of shape bodies" I most cases what I have seen with shirtless bodies is being overweight with big bellies and big titties. These guys should be arrested.
  20. A person has to stick up for himself as the poster wanted to do. If you are going to let people abuse you in any way and do nothing about it for fear of being "killed" well I suppose that's up to you.
  21. I had health insurance for two years in Thailand. I got suspicious about it, so asked the insurance company for a copy of what is covered etc in English and they refused. I asked someone qualified what I should do and was advised to cancel it so I did. If I had kept it going I would not have made any claim, and after paying out several hundred thousand Baht. I would have probably been told I was too old then cancelled it and that, after the insurance company took all that money from me. For expats to take out life insurance, it has to be genuine and fair, as it is now it is just a rip off.
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