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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Finding a unattractive Thai woman is about the same odds as finding a handsome Thai man.
  2. Bar fines are OK for the fat and unattractive guys who can afford the 3000Bt and have a big problem with attracting girls otherwise, a reasonable looking and slim guy will get laid easily here in Thailand without the bar fines and lady drink nonsense. I know from past experience.
  3. Capitalism is rife all over the world, the more money business people make the greedier they get, fairness and consideration for customers in any field go right out the window the richer they get.
  4. What's wrong with just asking the girl what she would like to drink without all this coloured water nonsense?
  5. Here's a serious question from someone who never frequented the bars. How hard is it for anyone to get off with a lady in a bar without ever buying a lady drink even if they are fat and unattractive?
  6. Never bought a lady drink in my life and I had been out with a few Thai girls before I met my wife, as the poster says what is the point? Even the fat unattractive guys should get it off without buying lady drinks, surely these guys really did leave their brains at the airport.
  7. I do the same. I know personally of a guy who was taken to a public hospital and his insurance refused to pay out because the hospital never tested him for his alcohol consumption.
  8. Yes to everything you have said, but you have no choice about the hospital, whoever picks you up will take you to the hospital that pays him most. If I was conscious I would refuse to go to a private hospital. This is Thailand where money rules.
  9. I am covered for hospital insurance for up to 200,000 Bt for accidents involving my motorbike. Maybe I have worded it wrongly. This is part of my 1st Class motorbike insurance.
  10. I do not trust Thai insurance companies, according to what I have read and heard, they have a bad record of paying out, yes I have good medical insurance for my motorbike, but I was warned about it by a very good source here on Asian Now. I am not sure if I will renew it when the time comes. I did have life insurance for two years then I was advised to cancel it by another very good source on this forum it was years ago so I cannot remember all the reasons why.
  11. I actually agree with you, yes, decent people pay their bills. But you cannot accuse someone of not being decent paying a bill if it is not a fair one. Do keep this debate going, I am enjoying it.
  12. Excellent post and I agree with everything you have said.
  13. As I have already said, I would not do a runner. I would just walk out.
  14. Oh we have another coward who can only say negative things about a poster while hiding behind a keyboard. You have every right to disagree with me, but you do not have the right to say I am not decent in a public forum.
  15. Glad to hear that, but this is Thailand. I have heard and read of both good and bad stories of how the police react to farangs involved in traffic accidents.
  16. I have first class motorbike insurance, I am referring to an accident as a pedestrain who is not at fault, I know how these things work in Thailand, I would do everything I could not to pay and tell them the get any expenses they are due from the person at fault, if the police cannnot track the guily person down then it is not my fault.
  17. No, I would just walk out normally. Keep this debate going, I am enjoying it.
  18. It is not cleared up. As I said, I only keep enough money in Thailand for living expenses, I do not call any hospital bills living expenses.
  19. I would not need to do a runner, this is one of the many reasons I only keep enough money in Thailand for living expenses.
  20. Yes, but I would still be out of pocket if I was stupid enough to pay anything.
  21. If I as a pedestrian is injured by an uninsured motorbike rider, say one who broke a red light, and I am taken to hospital, will I have to pay my hospital bill? I know, stupid question. I would probably be expected to pay the motorbike rider if he/she is also taken to hospital.
  22. I am not against anyone taking the law into their own hands if necessary, I've done it myself and agree 100% with this post, only one thing, you have to be 100% sure the accused is guilty before you personally deal with him, and not just acting on someone's word alone.
  23. Very true, the only slight danger is if somebody gobs you in, then again they would need to know your full name and date of birth.
  24. I used the translater on my phone.
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